• Shirasho
    4 months ago

    Carlin has a lot of bangers, but this isn’t one of them and doesn’t sound like something he would say. It completely trivializes the struggle of the lower class.

    • @AllonzeeLVOP
      4 months ago

      You’re incorrect. He said it in interviews constantly, and in one of his books (which he narrated the audio book for so he said it there too).

      “Don’t confuse me with those who cling to hope. I enjoy describing how things are, I have no interest in how they ‘ought to be.’ And I certainly have no interest in fixing them. I sincerely believe that if you think there’s a solution, you’re part of the problem. My motto: Fuck Hope!”

      -George Carlin, excerpt from his book Brain Droppings

      • @[email protected]
        194 months ago

        He was a man who was profoundly disappointed in his fellow man, which I understand, but he was wrong on this one.

        • @AllonzeeLVOP
          4 months ago

          How can you look at our history and our present, and not be profoundly disappointed/disillusioned with humanity?

          • kora
            134 months ago

            Cause I can… Like literally, because i have the ability, the technology, and (somehow) the education, to look at anything at all that happened before the oldest person alive’s birthday…

            Its not a fucking endless awesome orgy, but damnit I like not having to huddle with all you weirdos just for warmth in some damp cave.

              • kora
                14 months ago

                Well, I’ve always wanted to be with an ass-tronaut… But a cowboy too… hmm, do you enjoy femme women with butch hobbies.

          • @[email protected]
            54 months ago

            Because we could have already turned Earth into a nuclear wasteland several times over. And we didn’t. So if you think this is the worst timeline, think again

      • southsamurai
        104 months ago

        Yeah, and that’s the problem with quoting part of what someone says.

        Without the context of the entire statement, it looks different than with the entirety. It switches from a statement about his own cynicism and outlook are, with the out of context part being a explanation of detail behind “fuck hope” to just a blanket statement that anyone with hope is the problem.

        It’s also important to realize that brain droppings is not a serious screed. The guy was a comedian first, and very often wrapped his beliefs in exaggerations to emphasize the absurd in life. He even explained exactly that during his routine about rape jokes. It’s all about the exaggeration, the twisting of things to turn an idea on its head.

        Taking the entire quote as 100% serious is as much a mistake as only quoting part of it.

        • flicker
          14 months ago

          You’re dead right. Claiming to be a fan and not noticing his bow when he entertained us, intentionally, really sits wrong with me. He was a court jester. He knew his role far better than I could ever hope to.

        • @AllonzeeLVOP
          4 months ago

          I’ve watched and read his entire career, including interviews including his 3 hour autobiographical interview.

          It wasn’t a character, it was his condemnation of humanity, and it was shared during his most sincere moments as well, whether you agree with his conclusions ot not.

  • @[email protected]
    204 months ago

    Reads like something a boomer would say. With a mindset like this you’re definitely part of the problem.

    • @AllonzeeLVOP
      4 months ago

      Cool, solve mankind’s many great self-created crises we could have mitigated upon recognition but didn’t, almost entirely out of some people attempting to solve what they see as the bigger problem: “line not going up fast enough.”

      I’ll start a timer so you can impress us.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        I’m not sure how you can look back at what you wrote and think that you’re not the one that’s part of the problem

  • @Wodge
    94 months ago

    So if you’re ignorant, you’re not causing the problem?

    What does this even mean?

    Also you you.

  • @[email protected]
    94 months ago

    What does that even mean? That you shouldn’t try to solve problems? Why wouldn’t you be able to comprehend solutions to problems you are not causing?

  • @Delta_V
    64 months ago

    does heat death of the universe count as a solution?

    • @AllonzeeLVOP
      4 months ago

      Fortunately, mercifully, the very concepts of problems and solutions will have faded into oblivion long before then.

      Humans cause ourselves a lot of misery in our never ending quest to label every conceivable human impulse as right and wrong. I get stuff like murder, but right down to what other people say and value.

  • Optional
    54 months ago

    Firstly, Carlin had a pretty dark landing, and was also conveniently dead by the time trump farted in the zeitgeist. So yeah he was wrong on this one.

    Secondly, is that an AI picture? It doesn’t really look like him. It looks like a look-alike.

  • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
    4 months ago

    I adore Carlin, and have even granted him sainthood in my own fake religion.

    That being said: He was incredibly privileged in almost every way. It’s easy to have this mindset when you’re watching the game from your own private box.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    For example, I can think of a solution to Russia invading Ukraine, giving Ukraine resources to repell the invasion. How would I be part of the problem if the Russian invasion?

    • @AllonzeeLVOP
      4 months ago

      In a vacuum maybe, but nothing is in a vacuum, especially with our species. Excellent example by the way:

      We recently did give more money to Ukraine to defend themselves, seems noble. In order to pass it, it was tied to additional funds for Israel’s ongoing genocide.

      So basically we helped Ukranian civilians by shooting through Palestinian civilians.

      Now you may say “what if we juuuust gave Ukraine money?” well we literally just proved we couldn’t. Humans decided to hold those humans hostage if we didnt help kill these other humans. The point is humans by and large reject solutions that help others for the sake of helping in and of itself, they always want a cut. If we could solve Ukraine being under seige, we should have, but we didn’t. We never do.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        But why would that be part of the problem of Russia invading? That sounds like it’s causing a different problem. I’d agree that all solutions have side effect problems, but that doesn’t mean we can’t solve problems. The side effects can be isolated and if well considered will be less severe than the problem they address.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    I think I agree that if you think there’s A solution, then you’re part of the problem. There’s never really a solution, one unambiguously right answer that magically solves everything, like in the back of a textbook.

    There are countless tiny actions which can gradually tick us closer to something better, through determination and vigilance.

    But history is rife with flawed monolithic “solutions”. The magic pill mindset is a problem itself. It oversimplifies complex problems, closes the mind to compromise, and overinflates confidence in a tidy ideal. The problems in the world are messy, anyone who says there’s A solution is delusional or trying to sell you something.