No, one company isn’t ‘forcing’ diversity into all your favorite video games

  • 100
    1 year ago

    people unironically calling things woke arent exactly the brightest inviduals

    rather see some more neutral reporting and investigation on what this company actually does, seems like pointless outrage right now

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      They’re just a consultancy service - hardly worth investigating. Seems that they purport to offer expertise on how a developer can improve diversity and inclusion in their products.

      Like any consultancy, whether they can actually do this and whether their clients will actually implement it effectively are another matter entirely.

      The Steam group creator seems to think either they’re garbage or that their clients’ approach to diversity and inclusion is garbage. (Or maybe they’re just some alt-right incel Nazi <insert favoured pejorative here…>)

  • @[email protected]
    371 year ago

    Motherfuckers need real struggle in their lives if this is the shit they’re wasting their time on. Art will be diverse, always has been. Get the fuck over yourself and move on to something that caters to whatever bullshit narrative you need to wake up everyday and be an ignorant piece of shit. I mean, the Bible is a work of fiction that’s been whitewashed with a cracker ass jesus, how about we start there?

    Apologies for the rant, I usually have this type of nonsense filtered outta my feed.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      These are people who rely on “I may be a piece of shit, but at least I’m not (minority group)” to get through their day and not have to try to be a better person. If minority groups get treated as well as “normal” people there will be no one for them to look down on!

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Man, I hadn’t even thought about that. Valid point.

        I hope they get to truly enjoy their experience of being a white male minority soon! Maybe that’ll help with the empathy some day.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I hope they get to truly enjoy their experience of being a white male minority soon!

          The main reason that scares them is that they are worried that if they become a minority they will be treated the same way that they have been treating minorities.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            I have no doubts about that. It’s a sentiment I hear echoed all the time in the smaller PNW town I live in. How can someone possibly have freedoms and equality unless it’s taken from someone else.

    281 year ago

    Anyone else sometimes get sideways glances from people when they tell others that video games are a big hobby you enjoy? Yeah, dumbass shit like this whole saga is why.

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    Ignoring the controversy for a second, I do think your writing is going to be shit if you outsource it, it just screams “I don’t give a fuck, let some intern I can’t even supervise do it”. So while this company isn’t egregious per se, the fact it exists and there’s a demand for it spells a bigger issue with the industry.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      If you don’t have the talent internally, you hire someone else to do it. Is it shit to hire someone to make the music? To make the engine? Why is the writing different?

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        And even if you do have the talent internally you can still seek specialised feedback on your work - most authors work with editors for example.

        The only reason this case is notable is because of the reactionary response to the “woke” games industry (and games journalism in particular). This is just another round of nonsense in this culture war, so people on either side are staking out ridiculous positions.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        If I don’t have the talent, I’d hire the talent and work with them directly. Not hire some firm and tell them “yes we need to maximize the player engagement portfolio metric synergized meta narrative systems” and whatever other corporate words I could fit in.

        Which is specifically what my post was criticizing, unless you’re going to try to tell me that doesn’t happen.

        • geekwithsoul
          1 year ago

          So you’d hire a full time employee while paying for a recruitment process, on-boarding, and then full pay and benefits to help write a game that may take three years to complete and may never actually be completed or released and may never receive a sequel. Oh and your next project might not be suitable for their skills. Genius! Can’t wait to see what games your gaming company releases!

          Hell, why stop there - Every Hollywood movie studio should also just hire a bunch of in-house writers and have them write everything. You think movies are bland and unoriginal now - just you wait! And why do book publishers work with so many different authors? They should just hire 12 or so and have them write everything? 🙄

            • geekwithsoul
              21 year ago

              “Most indie companies” neither hire consultants nor add a bunch of full time employees - they don’t have the money for it. At first I was thinking you just didn’t understand how games are made, but now I’m thinking you don’t understand how general business works.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      It seems like they’re working closely with people at the actual studios, not just having work farmed out to them.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    I’ve wondered what the term was for someone who acts like an incel, but might have had sex at one point or another. I guess it’s “anti-woke”, or whatever they’re calling themselves now.

          • Tar_Alcaran
            151 year ago

            I mean woke is usually when everything has Female, LGBT or Black characters in it that don’t fit the story at all and or are written to be a walking cliche and or are just obviously there for “diversity”.

            So, that means almost nothing is woke then? Because I see very few requirements for when something “fits the story”. There’s a lot of shitty writing though, always has been and always will be, but according to you, when a white guy has crap writing, it’s just crap writing, but when a black woman has crappy writing, it’s woke?

            • @squid_slime
              1 year ago

              Esg has opened the flood gates for poor writing, we are used to the hero tale where someone comes from a normal to difficult background, theyre thrown into a situation they cant handle and so they must become strong, they in the end do become strong and that is the character ark.

              Investment check boxing has made a scene where character arks are avoided, a black woman can’t be viewed as week as the company’s esg score will go down so now there is media depicting only strong character which is highly unrelatable.

              I am all for inclusivity but it need to be done right and not for an investment rating, its akin to rainbow flag banners on socials whilst funding a racists campaign.

              • Tar_Alcaran
                131 year ago

                I think you need to remove the rose-coloured glasses, and look at how much utter crap there used to be 20 years ago. Or 10 years. Or 50 years.

                You’re pretty much cherrypicking all the shitty-writing-with-non-white/male-characters, and completely ignoring all the shitty-writing-with-white-male-characters. 90% of everything is crap, but if you cherrypick all the diverse characters that suck, then yeah, you’re going to find a lot of shitty diverse characters.

                • @squid_slime
                  1 year ago

                  I didn’t pick anything, there has and will always be shitty writing. But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with it, especially when race, gender, sexuality are used as a vehicle to profit whilst adding little to no substance.

                  The issue is obvious where we can’t risk having a weak diverse character as it could harm esp rating and in turn profits, so we have a diverse characters that are strong and aren’t relatable.

                  Look at game like Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice, it wasn’t made to appease the esg system, yet its opened people up to mental health, gender, power struggles. Hands down its amazing story telling.

                  Not a game but the documentary about Jeffrey Dahmer that was recently aired on netflix was also eye open, then there the old but gold Rosemary’s Baby again great story telling.

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        Lmao, what?

        Being aware of societal issues affecting minority populations is a magnificent way to get laid.

        Even South Park parodied it!

        It doesn’t seem weird that caring about others can be a very attractive trait in a person.

      • @NOT_RICK
        21 year ago

        lol. This is your brain on the manosphere.

        “Could the “woke” fellas be getting laid simply by treating women like human beings rather than objects? No, it’s obviously extortion.”

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    I spoke with several employees of Sweet Baby Inc. to learn what the company actually does and how the misunderstanding of its role in the industry highlights a far broader problem.

    You don’t know what Sweet Baby Inc. does, but you assume the people complaining about SBI must be incorrect? Do journalists in any other sector of the market fall all over themselves rushing to defend companies like they do in game development?

    • @[email protected]
      161 year ago

      The alternative is believing everything without confirming anything, do you think that’s better?

      Isn’t it weird how your mom keeps having sex with your opponents in call of duty?

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      The first thing in the sentence is literally them learning about what the company does, directly from the source. Who exactly do you think is more qualified to comment on it? Random internet users with no relation to the industry?

  • Blxter
    41 year ago

    If the art was already written with diverse characters like they were before companys like this existed then why do you have to hire a firm to make it diverse. A piece of art should not have another company come in and make “suggestions” on things to change to fit inside of a narrative.

    • @NOT_RICK
      111 year ago

      If you read the article you’d find out that writing diverse characters isn’t a focus of this company. Once again “gamers” completely misunderstand how games are made.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      A piece of art should not have another company come in and make “suggestions” on things to change to fit inside of a narrative.

      Right, nobody should ever get feedback or suggestions when making art. That’s why all good games and movies only have 1 writer who also directs.

  • @squid_slime
    1 year ago

    upper echelon did a good piece on this

    Edit: noticing a few down votes, if clicking on the video and seeing “woke” as the video image is off putting then please notice its in quotations.

    As for the content, well informed about the industry and how esg rating system has lead to check boxing. The video is not saying to avoid inclusivity in vedeo games it is however saying that company’s are riding on inclusivity to make money and they’re doing so in a lazy way that doesnt seem to help the cause.

  • @Demigod787
    -11 year ago

    It’s still a safer bet to avoid whatever they consult on, they’ve an eye for trash writing and they thrive on “fixing” that. And companies that hire them are just out there to make a quick buck rather than creating a good story, experience or game.

  • beaxingu
    -21 year ago

    its a good scam create problem that you are the solution to and you never have to face the consequences of what you do because you never make your own games you always work on other peoples games as consulted so that it can never be traced back to you unless you make it public and publish it on your own sweet baby site as promotion to do it again.