• SugaredScoundrel
    81 year ago

    Looks like a mockingbird. (Definitely could be wrong though!) They are known to mob potential threats to get them away from their babies. Unfortunately, looks like mommy and daddy mocking bird view you and your dogs as predators. The good news is that the babies should fledge with a few weeks and you will be free of their wrath.

    • Kill_joyOP
      61 year ago

      Thank you. Coming up on about a month now. They will actually dive bomb me, slamming into my back repeatedly. I have two pitties and they’re terrified.

      I’ve never seen such aggressive birds before and look like a mad man maneuvering through my neighborhood lately

      • @theoldgreymare
        51 year ago

        If it feels any better, it’s because they’re scared to death you and your sweet pitties will eat their babies. After all, a high percentage of fledglings die in the wild every year, and they’ve invested a lot of energy into getting their babies this far. Yes they’re stupid, but think what you’d do if a bear attacked your dogs.

        I’m not sure if this link will work but


  • Kill_joyOP
    81 year ago

    These things took over about a quarter mile of my running route. They attack me and my dogs if we get close and follow me, perching on signs the whole way.

    I’m getting PTSD and have changed my route but hoping to find out how long they’ll be around for.


    • @theoldgreymare
      111 year ago

      Yep, mockingbirds. In a few weeks you should be okay going back to your old route, and you can start teaching them songs to cheer you on!

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Download Merlin Bird ID, set your rough geographical location.
      “Sound ID” works great and will highlight possible birbs when they sing or chirp.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Merlin is the best! It will also help you narrow down the options based on a few characteristics such as color, size, location and activity. This definitely sounds like mocking bird behavior!