Saññānānattasutta—Bhikkhu Sujato

The diverse external elements of sense experience give rise to diverse perceptions, intentions, desires, passions, and quests.

At Sāvatthī.

“Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions. Diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts. Diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of desires. Diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions. Diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches. And what is the diversity of elements? The sight element, the sound element, the smell element, the taste element, the touch element, and the idea element. This is called the diversity of elements.

And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of perceptions, and diversity of perceptions give rise to diversity of thoughts, and diversity of thoughts give rise to diversity of desires, and diversity of desires give rise to diversity of passions, and diversity of passions give rise to diversity of searches?

The sight element gives rise to the perception of sights. The perception of sights gives rise to thoughts about sights. Thoughts about sights give rise to the desire for sights. The desire for sights gives rise to the passion for sights. The passion for sights gives rise to searching for sights. … The idea element gives rise to the perception of ideas. The perception of ideas gives rise to thoughts about ideas. Thoughts about ideas give rise to the desire for ideas. The desire for ideas gives rise to the passion for ideas. The passion for ideas gives rise to searching for ideas.

That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions, and diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts, and diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of desires, and diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions, and diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches.”

In this teaching, the Buddha is sharing on the causes for the arising of diverse perceptions, intentions, passions and quests.

External Object Faculty How It Happens
sights eye Meeting of the sights with the eye faculty leads to … arising of perceptions of sights … thoughts of sight.
sounds ear Meeting of the sounds with the ear faculty leads to … arising of perceptions of sounds … thoughts of sound.
smells nose Meeting of the smells with the odor faculty (nose) leads to … arising of perceptions of smells … thoughts of smells.
tastes tongue Meeting of the tastes with the taste faculty (tongue) leads to … arising of perceptions of tastes … thoughts of tastes.
touch body … arising of perceptions of touch … thoughts of touch.
ideas mind … arising of perceptions of ideas … thoughts of ideas.

Pondering over thoughts related to a certain sense faculty arises from this sequence:

  1. meeting of an external object with the internal faculty,
  2. giving rise to perceptions,
  3. giving rise to thoughts on the external object.

Recognizing this and cutting it off is the application of sense restraint.

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