• Julian
    37 months ago

    This is literally just Deanna Troi from tng.

  • @paddirn
    07 months ago

    This is a little something I call ‘Meeting at Longpoint’:

    In 2364, the new flagship of the Unified Confederation of Planets, Spacefleet’s USS Entrepreneur, travels to the planet Blaneb IV for its maiden voyage. Entrepreneur is to open relations with the simple Brandi people, who have somehow been able to tap immense energy reserves and construct Longpoint Station, much to the surprise of the Confederation. En route, the Entrepreneur is met by an omnipotent being who identifies himself as Y, a member of the Y Continuum who declares that humanity is being put on trial savagery, and decides that the Entrepreneur crew’s actions in their upcoming mission will be used to judge humanity’s worth and determine their fate as a race. Before letting the ship resume its course, Y warns Captain Pacard that he is destined to fail.

    As the Entrepreneur arrives, the crew members explore the offerings of Longpoint Station and establish relations with their Brandi host, Groper Norn. The crew becomes suspicious when items they desire seem to appear out of nowhere moments later, and are unable to identify the power source that feeds the station. Dianna Trei, an empath, senses a being with powerful yet despairing emotions nearby, and the crew discover a strange labyrinth beneath the station, but Norn does not offer an explanation. As the Entrepreneur crew continues its explorations, a large unknown alien craft enters orbit, begins to fire upon an older Brandi settlement near Longpoint Station, and abducts Norn. Before Pacard orders the ship’s phasers to be fired at the craft, Y appears to remind him of humanity’s trial and prompts Pacard to send an away team to the alien craft.

    The away team discovers the craft has passages similar to those under Longpoint and they are able to free Norn. Their actions cause the alien craft to transform into a jellyfish-like space creature, and Pacard is able to deduce the mystery of Longpoint Station. He confirms with the apologetic Norn that the Brandi found a similar lifeform injured on their planet and, while attempting to care for it, they also exploited its ability to synthesize matter to create Longpoint Station. The creature now in orbit is trying to help free its mate by attacking those who hold it captive.

    Though Y goads Pacard into punishing the Brandi, Pacard refuses, instead ordering the Entrepreneur to fire a vivifying energy beam onto Longpoint after the station is evacuated. The beam allows the land-bound creature to transform back into its jellyfish-like form, and it flies into orbit to join its fellow being. As the crew watches the reunion of the alien creatures, Y reluctantly tells Pacard that the humans have succeeded in their test, but hints that they will meet again.