I’ll start things off with this effects shot from Star Trek IV.
And for the newest show…
That is from Season 2, but it doesn’t say which episode and I am bad at this stuff.
Here’s a couple of fun TNG ones. I have no idea what’s happening in the second one.
Season 2 Episode 7, Those Old Scientists. Looks like this photo was taken while they were shooting the scene where Spock, M’Benga, and Boimler were on the surface of Krulmuth B, investigating the Krulmuth B portal, one of my all time favorite portals, which threw Boimler back in time.
I love that the end of this episode implies that everyone on lower decks is just really drunk all the time.
Well, could you pass up a real Orion Hurricane?
I had a bunch of pictures of the Macs powering all the displays on the set of the NX-01 on a hard drive somewhere. I should go see if I can find them and post them.
Old Macs and Trek, two of my favourite things.
Here is Denise Okuda in front of her Quadra 700. She used it to make all the wonderful LCARS and other alien UI panels on DS9. This was her taking a break while working on the DS9 pilot in 1993.
That is amazing.
Here’s a couple of Enterprise behind-the-scenes photos.
Captain meets captain. (Scott Bakula visiting the Nemesis set.)
Please do. That sounds amazing.
I found the good old racks of Macs. Edited first post.
Love it! Thanks!
They needed something that was just going to put a fake computer display on the screen and they went with Mac’s? That’s not… Exactly a cost-efficient way of handling that. Then again maybe they had some kind of weird corporate thing going on?
The G4 cube is fanless, so no noise, that could absolutely be part of it
Ok now that makes sense
my guess would be it was the smallest/fastest mac they could get and the scenic design team used macs almost exclusively and probably had no interest taking a chance on a different platform. Just a hunch tho.
Frakes obviously enjoys directing.
When you direct a TNG episode but you’re also in the episode, you don’t take the makeup off.
Leonard also loved directing.
The Odo makeup was quite stretchy!
Every one of those dots was hand-painted every time.
De starship, boss! De starship!
Shatner has fun with Ted Cassidy.
Way cool
Jack Quaid was a guest star maybe 2 episodes so should narrow it down
Nimoy and Shatner reading the Mad Magazine Star Trek parody.
Kirk Thatcher!
Kirk depunked.