Thoughts on Municipal Waste’s new EP?

I think its a good return to Waste’s more extreme era, almost a Waste 'Em All part 2. I like it, however I think Tony’s vocals sound a little muffled, and I’m not a huge fan of the sound/tone of the instruments compared to Waste 'Em All. I think this EP sounds a little flat in comparison. Despite this, I like that they are going back to their roots, as Waste 'Em All is one of my favourite Municipal Waste albums, along with Art of Partying. Overall, I think Tango and Thrash is a good sequel to their debut album, however, I found their debut’s riffs to be a little catchier and the tone to be a little nicer.

EDIT: TIL that it is a reissue, after visiting the good old . Anyway, most of my points still stand. XD