What stash tabs should a person starting out with PoE buy and why? From must have to nice to have to useless. What tabs to spend the first 200 points on? What about the next 200?

I feel like it would be good to have some answers to this often asked question here too.

  • @picardwasbetter
    2 years ago

    Currency tab and at least one premium so that you can trade easier. Those are must have. Other useful ones are map, frag, div, ess

    • @Noobzta
      12 years ago

      Adding to this, definitely get the specific stash tabs for currency, fragments, etc. Almost anything league specific. From there you can just go premium stash tabs (I prefer large tabs but it’s up to you).

      There are features with the tabs that allows you CTRL+click the items in your inventory to go to the specified tabs. For example, after mapping and grabbing all of the items, if you want to quickly store them somewhere just use the feature and viola, you can store them without switching to each tab to dump your inventory. This is a massive QoL improvement which I definitely recommend!

  • @glauOP
    2 years ago

    My take is. Treat PoE as free to play until early mapping.

    If it still looks like a game for you then: Buy the “First Blood” pack. That is 200 points and an extra regular stash tab. On sale you can get a map tab a currency tab and a premium tab conversion out of the 200 points.

    I wouldn’t recommend much more than this for the first league. After that if you are still interested in playing and getting deeper into the game, you can think about buying more stash tabs.

    • @glauOP
      32 years ago

      After those I think the fragments tab is the most useful. Divination and essence is okay to get.

      All the other special tabs are not that useful unless you are a hoarder (or playing SSF). Get more regular or quad tabs before getting those, if you lack space.

  • @progenyofthestars
    12 years ago

    Quad tab for dumping. Premium tabs for sorting trophies after that fills up, so you can name and group stuff. Not sure how point costs wise that looks though.

    Mind you, I like inventory tetris and despite playing from 2013, I’ve never bought the specialized tabs. Hell, with all the auto-sorting stuff they implemented a while back you can sort of make your premiums act like those now.

    • @glauOP
      22 years ago

      No special tabs at all? I can understand not having a map tab when somebody is in a trade league, but not even a currency tab? That’s interesting.

      • @progenyofthestars
        22 years ago

        Hold on, this will be long. When I started there were only premium tabs to buy, which were cool to group stuff and to lazily setup your buyouts - unofficial trading sites were scraping data from such tabs. My setup worked so I didn’t bother with Currency tab when that came out. GGG kept adding mechanics with more trinkets for you to loot and more specialized tabs for you to get.

        Before Quads were out, I was dumping stuff to those four basic tabs you get from the start, it kinda sucked to keep rotating their positions in the stash when one filled and it was annoying to sort stuff on inevitable clean up. Now I can practically live in that one Quad for the first few days of the league and since all stuff is in one tab, filtering out the items with keyword searches and sorting is not cumbersome.

        It’s fun to look back now on all the remove-only premium tabs that I picked for storing currency and to visually see rows of orbs that I ended up hoarding at the end of particular league.