Forget about his horrible policies screwing the country, what I will never understand are people still denying that he has dementia

  • @voracitude
    7 months ago

    How strange, I’ll never understand people still acting like Trump is a viable alternative to Biden as though he’s not entirely a traitorous piece of shit 🤷

    Edit: Goddamn, I see a lot of replies under here, and I can’t see a damn one of 'em. Looks like I’ve been blocking the right people!

    • NeuromancerM
      -327 months ago

      Well if you look at polls. More people want a Trump than Biden as president. So it’s not some fringe opinion.

      • @CM400
        197 months ago

        Considering polls are often very wrong, I’d say it’s still a possibility that it is a fringe opinion. I took a poll of everyone I know IRL, and none of them want Trump back in office.

          • @CM400
            117 months ago

            I hope you like crow, then, because I have a feeling you’ll have your fill in a few months.

            • NeuromancerM
              -227 months ago

              Do you think he is going to be charged magically with insurrection? Even if they filed charges right this minute, it would never be settled before the election.

              The election will decide this and not the banana republic crap the democrats are trying to pull. Every time they make up a charge, Trump gains in popularity.

              • @Mickey7OP
                -237 months ago

                I like Trump policies. But I would have preferred a different candidate this time around. As the bullshit of the indictments started I became more motivated than ever to vote for him just to finally end the lunacy brought forth by the Leftists.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -197 months ago

                  Same page. I didn’t vote for him in 2016. I didn’t vote. In 2020 I was surprised how well he did. I voted for him. He lost. I am going to vote for him in 2024.

                  In 2016, I wanted someone else, but there was no way I was voting for Hillery.

                  Turns out Trump did a good job. I have few complaints about his time in office.

            • NeuromancerM
              -137 months ago

              Looks like the never trumpers went from Haley to Biden. I suspect that’s what you are seeing in the polls. I wanted Haley to win but that wasn’t in her cards.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -437 months ago

      Hope you are enjoying inflation and a wide open border

      • @Nurgle
        7 months ago

        You all scuttled a bipartisan border bill literally two weeks ago for political points. Talk about wanting to eat your cake and have it too.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -167 months ago

          Did you read the border bill? Want to end the border nonsense? Just as under Trump if you want to file for Asylum you have to do it outside the border. You only gain entry after you are judged to have a legit asylum claim, which 99% do not. this is just another issue where a guy is hitting you over the head with a stick. You tell him to stop and he points at Trump and tells you it’s his fault. Then continues to hit you with the stick. And sadly too many are fine voting for people and policies that get them constantly fucked by those they vote for

          • @Fapper_McFapper
            127 months ago

            Republicans literally turned away a once in a lifetime border bill that would have granted republicans everything they wanted and then some. Did YOU read the bill?

            • @Mickey7OP
              -137 months ago

              Yes I read the bill. Only it did was lower the amount of Illegal Aliens allowed to enter on any specific day. Anyone concerned about the border with thousands of people who have zero legitimate case for asylum being allowed, would be crazy to vote for it

              • @Fapper_McFapper
                47 months ago

                Tell me you didn’t read the bill without while telling me you read the bill. LMAO!

        • @Mickey7OP
          -337 months ago

          You are taking for granted the huge rise in inflation from when biden started his unnecessary spending to January 2023. Yes the RATE of inflation may have slowed down but that doesn’t address the huge increases in everything that we currently have. We can discuss “figures” and “graphs” all we want but anyone being honest knows that under the policies of Trump there was never any noticeable inflation. Yes there was inflation but not like now. I am still amazed how the biden regime was able to pass a Bill that they sold as “we have to have more wasteful spending to stop inflation”

          • @[email protected]
            147 months ago

            I thought all that money came from the COVID relief bills in 2020. That was when stimulus checks and Paycheck Protection Loans were given out to everyone adding a whole bunch of extra liquidity that went to business interests.

            Not all of this can be blamed on Biden, especially since his spending was into infrastructure and tech. Granted infrastructure can only get you so far, (see China) but it’s likely going to be better aimed than thousand dollar checks

            This might be a case where we need to rethink fiscal policy across both sides of the isle. I don’t think either party is interested in such a measure. That leaves fiscal conservatives SOL when it comes to long term finances.

            • NeuromancerM
              -127 months ago

              By business interest you mean employees. People don’t see to understand ppp mainly went to pay employees. For some reason democrats think it went to rich people to buy yachts.

            • @Mickey7OP
              -157 months ago

              Totally agree that though not as bad as Democrats, Republicans also suck when spending our money. I live in a RED conservative state and I can tell you that the covid relief stuff was all bullshit. For the few months that I was forced to stay home due to covid restriction nonsense I got paid MORE than what I normally earned. Infrastructure? Have you seen any real road or rail improvements where you live? Were there any infrastructure improvements that make you good with what you know have to pay to buy stuff, even basic food items. Billions went to big Pharma for a vax that few needed simply because Big Pharma funneled a good portion of those government checks back into the campaigns of the clowns in our government. Politics is not black and white. It is grey. People who want to stay in Power and they have no problem fucking us to do it. Overall I think conservative policies yield the best results for everyone. But that doesn’t mean that I support every Republican

          • NeuromancerM
            -117 months ago

            The problem is the inflation adds. When you add it all tougher it’s a rapid price increase in a short period of time. That’s here to stay.

  • @Fapper_McFapper
    337 months ago

    The smell of republican desperation is in the air.

  • @TORFdot0
    277 months ago

    Conspiracy theories? Really? That in no way attacks the substance of the SOTU address?

  • PizzaMan
    197 months ago

    I’d rather vote for Biden’s dead corpse and hear fox news bitch about him being sleepy for 4 years than have a dictator.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -267 months ago

      I can’t think of a better comment to exemplify how totally clueless people are and how they swallow the lies of the DNC and Media so fully

  • @[email protected]
    197 months ago

    So the “more proof” is a comparison between the first time he tried his speech and the SOTU? And practice is ruled out entirely as an explanation why?

    Anyway, I’ll accept Dr. Carole Lieberman’s diagnosis of Biden if you also accept Ellen Field’s diagnosis of Trump. I think that’d be fair.

    • NeuromancerM
      -197 months ago

      Ellen field isn’t a doctor.

      In general lefties will take the opinion of anyone they agree with and think it’s relevant.

      Everyone should ignore all the arm chairs experts giving opinions on both presidents. We shouldn’t stigmatize health issues.

      Both are qualified to be president under the law. Period.

        • NeuromancerM
          -167 months ago

          Not for now. Both are qualified to be president. What do you think is going to happen to change that?

          • @CM400
            127 months ago

            Trump engaged in insurrection. We have an amendment to the constitution for that.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    37 months ago

    TF is this shit? Someone take an article about trump and just make convenient substitutions?

    Ah, PJ Media. Just another right wing commentary site known for gems like execs making antisemitic comments, accusing Obama of hiding documents in a furniture warehouse, or suggesting a US senator told Iran to target trump hotels.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -97 months ago

      Good point. When you don’t like the facts… just question the source. That’s solid intelligent thinking. And actually examining the facts is just too much work.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        7 months ago

        The source is always important. If a broken clock is right twice a day you’d better be sure I check that it’s wrong the other 86,398 times a day when someone might try to read me the time off of it. So while this rag PJ Media may be right occasionally, it’s wrong in so many other ways it’s not worth using as a source for any reasonable discussion. Speaking of examining the facts it’s plain you didn’t even bother to read the wiki on the site describing why it’s crap.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -67 months ago

          disagree. the source tells you something. Then those with and IQ above 40 independently research on their own if the source was credible in what they said. Of course if I wanted to repress free speech I would just scream the source is bullshit rather than deal in facts. The NYT and Wash Post lied to you for over 2 fucking years about the russia, russia hoax. Even the left had to give up pushing the lie when the truth was revealed. Did the leftist media even once apologize to you for lying to for over 2 years. Of course not. That tells you what they think of their audience. They believe them to be all in on whatever lies they are told because they refuse to research the facts

            • @Mickey7OP
              -67 months ago

              Just reported you for being uncivil. Adults debate. Grammar school kids name call and scream at those who disagree with them

              • @RememberTheApollo_
                37 months ago

                Good for you. It’s nice when you win an argument by reporting someone instead of actual facts. Have a nice day.

                • @Fapper_McFapper
                  7 months ago

                  I really need you to take a look at his/her profile. Check out their NSFW questions. Just for fun.

  • @Mickey7OP
    -257 months ago

    Notice the dates listed above each column. Then think about who was in the White House setting policy during those dates

    • @NewPerspective
      237 months ago

      White boards are now reliable news sources. Noted.

    • @shalafi
      177 months ago

      The President does not control inflation. Did you credit Trump for gas deflation during the pandemic when no one was driving? Liberals and conservatives alike have to shake this BS idea that POTUS controls the economy. The US economy is the largest on the planet and doesn’t turn on a dime. If anything, it’s probably more useful to look at current conditions in light of the last President.

      And how you gonna present what baker’s write on walls as evidence?!

      What do you make of this?


      • @Mickey7OP
        -127 months ago

        Simple question. When did you really notice the high prices for everything. During Trump or biden? That’s better than a graph. And Trump made us fucking energy independent which caused all energy prices to go down. So now we get fucked because the very same oil/gas we had right here comes from the middle east. I guess global warming makes an exception for WHERE oil and gas coms from

    • @TORFdot0
      147 months ago

      Biden is to blame for Donut-flation for sure. What’s Trump’s plan to fight rising cost of goods that has affected every world economy despite being all Jelly-filled Joe’s fault?

      • @Mickey7OP
        -247 months ago

        Drastically cut back on wasteful federal government spending. Fire outright thousands off the federal payroll. We could literally take any segment of the federal government and fire 50% of the people and you wouldn’t even notice a difference.

          • @Mickey7OP
            -177 months ago

            I agree that those who are really rich pay a lower tax rate then us average people. But that is a side issue when considering how the biden regime policies caused massive inflation

              • @Mickey7OP
                -137 months ago

                I do not know the percentage of Republicans vs Democrats that fuck us to help corporations, but it certainly isn’t only Republicans.

              • @Mickey7OP
                -127 months ago

                Check out all the government spending soon after he took office. Study the spending bills from the totally controlled Democrat congress that he signed. Then check out how any of those trillions spent (our tax dollars) benefited you. Government spending causes inflation. If you start with 5 one dollar bills they are each worth one dollar in spending power. If the government PRINTS 2 additional dollar bills now your five dollars is worth less. It’s that simple. It was so absurd they told that they needed to print even more money to reduce inflation. They must think very little of the intelligence of their audience to think anyone would believe such a complete contradiction

                • @[email protected]
                  97 months ago

                  Government spending causes inflation.

                  Yes, but…is government spending the only cause of inflation?