For as long as I’ve been old enough to understand the concept of 'dirty words ’ lollygagging has sounded to me like one of the very dirtiest.
If you have a moderate understanding of anime culture, you’ll know that it means something different, and very disturbing.
That word is a little older than anime.
Don’t bring age into this discussion, I’m begging you.
I wasn’t bringing your age into it, or mine. Usage/meaning of lollygagging predates anime is all I said. Had I wanted to go the route you are suggesting I’d have called you kid.
I was making a joke. I know the word is old. In the anime context it’s relates to paedophilia, hence, my reluctance to even define it.
Some dolt accused me pussy footin when I was clearly faffin about. Almost brained the shmuck.
Fuck you I’m going for a mosey.