This is the first package since last December, as U.S. funds for Kyiv have been blocked by disputes in Congress.
While we continue to give billions to Isreal, make it make sense.
Fuck russia
Fuck the Kremlin.
Why can’t we just divert our funding for the Palestinian genocide to the defense of Ukraine?
The tens of billions given to Israel over the years does nothing at all to benefit the U.S. in any way. It is money pissed down a drain for no benefit.
Israel very obviously doesn’t need our funding, because they are just wasting it on commiting genocide. They have their own money. Let them spend their own money on genocide and let us use this money to benefit Americans, Europeans, Gazans and those who actually need it.
Ukraine actually needs the money to defend against an invasion that threatens all of Europe. Defund Isreal and defund genocide.
@lusterko oh it is like music to my motherfucking soul. thanks for this post mon ami.
@lusterko urgently needed, life-saving aid punching through an enemy blockade 🤌🤌