Ah yes, because using christian mythology to justify draconian anti queer legislation and stoke terrorism against queer people (see Nex Benedict) is totally the same as a rainbow totebag.
LGBTQ pride is a reaction against persecution. Left handed people don’t have pride parades because no one is persecuting them anymore. If christian society doesn’t want to see rainbows everywhere maybe they should stop trying to fucking kill us and denying us our basic rights.
They’re mad that they get 11 out of 12 months of cishet acknowledgement and those other people get a whole month of rainbow avatars?
I don’t think you’re considering how devastating to their drab life style colors can be.
Yes, creating legislation to ban everything non-Jesus related is identical to not being forced to buy a product.
Ngl I really wanna try those Doritos.
I’ll ruin the anticipation for you: the colors don’t make it taste different. Still a mouthful of cheese-adjacent flavor and corn.