• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Israel wants to destroy the Palestinian people, steal their land, destroy their homes, and build Jewish settlements there.

    They have been doing this for morethan 70 years.

  • InfiniteGlitch
    7 months ago

    “The soldiers stood watching, and after the settler attack ended, the soldiers began to search houses across the village, raiding several houses and taking shifts throughout the night and then left at 3:00 in the morning", they added”

    What did their prime minster say - The most moral military in the world.

    Yeah right… and the World “leaders” are just standing there staring at the shit that’s been happening.

  • @mightyfoolish
    207 months ago

    Last Ramadan they literally went around blowing up cars. The one before, I believe they were putting concrete mix into the well water (they actually did this but I can’t remember if this was an Israeli Ramadan tradition).

    • @dwalin
      337 months ago

      Religion has nothing to do with this. Its lebensraum and racism

      • rhabarba
        -277 months ago

        Religion is the sole reason why Israel even exists and why Muslims hate the Jews.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          That’s an incredibly reductive oversimplification. The modern state of Israel exists due to the political Zionist movement which began in the 19th C and the sympathy for the Jewish people following Nazi Germany’s eugenicist attempt to wipe them out.

          A couple of millennia before that, you had the conflicts of the competing tribes and civilizations in the Fertile Crescent, which resulted in the Jewish diaspora.

          Religion has typically been weaponized to justify one group of people taking control of resources and land from another, but it has rarely been the root cause per se.

          • @[email protected]
            137 months ago

            I’d add that the original zionist movement consisted of jews living in the Ottoman empire, and the ‘agreement’ to give them a slice of it was taken by the Allied powers towards the end of the first world war.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          137 months ago

          No? Muslims hate Jews because Zionists have been trying and succeeding in taking their homes for a hundred years. The Islamic position is and has always been “Jews hate you and will try to bring you down but no war crimes because they’re people of the book”.

        • livus
          117 months ago

          I don’t think so. Religion and ethnicity are convenient pretexts for stealing resources from one another or enslaving another culture for material benefit.

          Go right back to the time of the Crusades, in the Rhineland massacres Christians were killing Jewish people and looting their homes. Someone always stands to gain.

          • rhabarba
            -17 months ago

            Go right back to the time of the Crusades, in the Rhineland massacres Christians were killing Jewish people and looting their homes.

            Around the year 800, many Saxons were killed, tortured or forcibly baptised on the orders of Charlemagne, which German paganism could hardly cope with. Every religion has its violent phase.

            • livus
              147 months ago

              Sure. From memory the only one I’ve noticed not having violence is Jainism.

              But I don’t think religion causes the violence. I think it’s a useful tool to manipulate people into violence. What is happening in Israel/Palestine is about land and arms deals and power elites using wars to cement their political power.

          • @[email protected]
            -97 months ago

            From the very start, the conflict was about which religion should rule the area. If it was about resources, they could hardly have picked a worse place

            • @[email protected]
              67 months ago

              From the very start, the conflict was about which religion should rule the area.

              What? If we’re really talking about “the very start”, then you couldn’t be more wrong. The first real diaspora of Jews being pushed out of Israel was started by the Romans, who famously didn’t care what religion you were so long as you paid unto Caesar that which is Caesars.

              they could hardly have picked a worse place

              I’m guessing you think the entirety of the Levant is one big sand dune or something? It’s literally known as the fertile crescent dude, and in modernity it’s strategically located near some of the largest energy reserves on the planet.

                • @[email protected]
                  47 months ago

                  Well, that doesn’t really work either. Palestinians and Jews cohabitated the land for years before any kind of conflict occurred, and the conflict that led to Israel being recognized as a nation state began over a land dispute between neighbors.

                  Religion has been used to fan the flames, but it wasn’t the initial reason for the conflict. The idea that Islam is some kind of war like religion of intolerance is a modern notion. It can be traced to the spread of a particularly militant version of Sunni Islam as a response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

            • livus
              47 months ago

              Land use tensions are not uncommon in areas where the resources are limited.

              There’s no point in going back hundreds of years on this. The reality on the ground is that these people are there because their ancestors had some connection to that part of the Fertile Crescent.

              But the reason they are being urged to fight is the usual colonial stuff about land use and political control.

        • @Mrkawfee
          47 months ago

          Try harder Hasbara

    • @Linkerbaan
      117 months ago

      Zionists are as Jewish as the Nazis were Christian.

      • cooljacob204
        -87 months ago

        That’s not really true lol.

        Would you say that Hamas is as Muslim as Nazis were Christian?

        Both groups are doing terrible shit in the name of their religion.

        • @Aceticon
          7 months ago

          Hamas is an Insurgency Movement against a foreign invader, and has nothing to do with religion except in the Propaganda discourse of that very same foreign invader - Israel - which being deeply racist and commiting their murders mainly along etnic lines, uses racism in the West against Muslims to try and garner public support for their mass murder of Palestinians (not even Hamas, Palestinians) and has for a long time also used racism in the West to get support for themselves (the “unwavering support [of] the Jewish Nation” - emphasy mine - by Germany is a perfect example of that leveraging of racist thinking and race-related discrimination in a Western nation to obtain such levels of priviledged treatment that even Genocide is excused).

          Outside the Israeli Propaganda, Hamas are as much related to religion as the Résistance Française was.

          PS: This doesn’t mean I agree with some of Hamas’ methods, by the way. However, that doesn’t change the reality that their entire reason to be is that of an Insurgent Movement.

          • @[email protected]
            -57 months ago

            Hamas […] has nothing to do with religion

            From Wikipedia:

            Hamas, an acronym of its official name, Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Arabic: حركة المقاومة الإسلامية, romanized: Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, lit. ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’)

          • cooljacob204
            7 months ago

            Let’s not kid ourselves. From Israel being created, to all the two state solutions falling through, to all the terrorists attacks and assassinations that have happened was fueled by religion.

            Religion created the deep divide between these two groups and caused the modern day situation.

        • @Linkerbaan
          57 months ago

          ISIS is as Muslim as the Nazi’s were Christian.

          Hamas is more comparable to the Jews fighting back against the Nazi’s in the Warsaw Ghetto.

          • @emax_gomax
            -47 months ago

            I realise there’s a thin line between freedom fighters and terrorists but hamas are very clearly the latter given they only seem to inflame tensions and actively profit from the ongoing conflict. Israel (or at least the current Israeli government) are far right borderline fascists committing an active genocide out of some hysterical need to prevent all future incursions from hamas at the detriment of anyone living in the area. The Palestinian people as always remain ongoing victims to the ensuing whims of these two powers.

            • @Linkerbaan
              7 months ago

              It is irrelevant. In the West Bank there is no Hamas and Palestinians still get brutally massacared by israel.

              The reason it says one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter is not because freedom fighters use the nicest ways to acquire their freedom. And Hamas’ goal clearly isn’t to exterminate Jewish people worldwide. Unlike groups such as ISIS or israel, Hamas is not interested in expanding their Lebensraum to other countries.

              • @emax_gomax
                -37 months ago

                Weird point. Your previous comment very clearly equates hamas with Jewish resistance to nazis which I denied because hamas cares more about exterminating Jews than freeing Palestinians. Also somehow being a terrorist but not trying to spread terrorism is somehow more acceptable to you? My point was hamas are not freedom fighters because their actively profiting from the fight and have a vested interest in continuing it, not at an eventual victory or peaceful resolution.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  37 months ago

                  Hamas has given a deal for a ceasefire on day one.

                  Hamas is still offering deals for a permanent ceasefire.

                  Hamas is looking for a peaceful resolution. That is not an opinion. That is a fact.

                  Israel is not looking for a peaceful resolution because they are Nazis that want to expand their Lebensraum.

          • cooljacob204
            7 months ago

            Yikes didn’t realize breaking a ceasefire to rape, pillage and kill a lot of civilians, including entire family and babies (one through being baked alive) on their holy day was comparable to that.

            I feel like this is why the left struggle so hard to rally support. When they unironically call Hamas a freedom fighter group. Literally anyone is free to read up on the group. They are a terrorist group through and through.

            And yes religion had a huge influence on them. Just like they do on Israelis.

            They, are Muslim. ISIS is Muslim. Israel is a Jewish state ran by Jews. It’s religious crap causing this entire conflict. Some may be more extreme then others but let’s not pretend religion has 0 to do with this conflict.

            Israel was formed because Jews were persecuted for being Jewish. They chose Israel for religious and historical reasons.

            • @Linkerbaan
              77 months ago

              Man so hardstuck on Hasbara he’s still repeating the baby in oven claim debunked multiple months ago

              • cooljacob204
                7 months ago

                Whatever man you can keep defending a terrorist organization.

                And it was not debunked. And after some googling not really proven to be true either. Just a dead Israeli baby found with possible oven burn marks.

                But there are plenty of other instances on they day of babies being slaughtered that we do know exists and other fucked up inhumane shit.

                And people like you are the worst. Your complete denial of Hamas atrocities forced people like me to be backed into a corner appearing to defend Israel, when I don’t really want to be defending them either.

    • @mightyfoolish
      7 months ago

      This isn’t religious. A bunch of trolls/liars came from Russia and Germany and said their ancestors left this land in the BC era.

      Edit: These people also claim that the Palestinians are land Interlopers who came from some undisclosed part of Arabia.

    • @ChocoboRocket
      7 months ago

      I originally typed ‘Arguably the worst thing we’ve done’ but the more I think on it, humans are generally terrible.

      If it wasn’t religion, it’d be racism, sexisim, geography based hate, abilisim, left handedness, phrenology, etc etc etc. Religion is just another lubricant to placate docile individuals, and justify the actions of hate focused individuals

      I’m certain we could all live together in peace, but we’re so tribalistic that the second anyone says their group is better than X because Y the majority of the population seems to lap it up at nearly any expense.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      Some religions are worse than others. This particular religions sees everyone else as Goy: something akin to slaves or animals.