Tomorrow’s release (March week 2) approaches and besides the possibility to store images on a per-community basis or the ability to set community-specific sorting, which were already announced, I have a small surprise for you that I hope you like: the possibility to search within a community.

The option will be available in the drop down menu in the top right corner of the app bar when you are opening a community detail and are not in guest mode. A search field will replace the header and you’ll be able to perform a community-specific search as if you were in the Explore screen.

This is not an uncommon feature (Voyager and Eternity have it) but I thought it was nice to have and quite easy to implement even if the night before the weekly release.

Source code here. Until tomorrow, people!

  • fisco™🇬🇧🇺🇦
    3 months ago

    What happened to the text sizing? Prior to the introduction of the additional text sizing options, for me at least, the sizing was perfect, Large for the Ui, Normal for content, job done… Now with the additional choices, the title text when set to normal is way too small, Large is still too small, & extra large way too big… I can’t replicate how it was before the introduction…🤦🏻‍♂️

    • Dieguito 🦝OPM
      23 months ago

      I’m sorry! I can’t seem to reproduce it so I released this week’s build as it was, but I’ll definitely look into it more carefully for next week.

      In the end, what is your system font scale (in the device settings) and what is the UI font size you are using? From what I understand the content font size large is too small but extra large is too big.

      • fisco™🇬🇧🇺🇦
        33 months ago

        No worries, & I’m sorry if it seemed like a bit of rant 😬… I’d updated and it all looked different, couldn’t and still can’t get the same text sizing for the post title, more so than anything else. My system font size is unchanged at its default, (middle setting). In app I now have the title set to large, but this isn’t as large as normal was prior to the updated settings… If I set this to extra large it’s too big… I have the font set to system which is how I have had it set since I first started with Raccoon… Hopefully a little tweak can do the trick… Thank you so much…👍🏻