There are so many times that you see something or are told something and you say that CAN’T be real. But then you remember that we now live in Clown World and anything is possible. The new rule of thumb has to be if big Pharma says it, it probably is a lie

  • @marcos
    324 months ago

    I remember reading about race bias in pain treatment. It’s something about how doctors trust people from disfavored population less, and tend to give them less effective pain killers… like Advil.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -284 months ago

      If what you said is true then the doctors involved are unethical assholes

      • NeuromancerM
        204 months ago

        It isn’t a question of ethics. It is an issue with training.

        When I went to medical school, we were told to watch out for black patients who were drug-seeking. Really, they should have excluded the race from the topic and focused on drug seekers.

        While I was not taught this, it was believed that black people experienced less pain but were more likely to seek opioids. As such, that builds an unconscious bias towards black patients.

        It is why I posted an article about unconscious bias and medical training.

        It isn’t that pain is racist, it is we have bad stereotypes and myths that have infiltrated our medical system.

        Back in school, if I were to prescribe an opioid (And this is back when I could hand them out like candy), nobody would double-check my work on a white patient. If it was a black patient, someone would always come to inspect the patient and often deny my recommendation.

        Heart attacks were another bias that infiltrated the medical system.

        Now, for Advil, this is just a marketing campaign, and it’s stupid, but as a critique of the medical system, it is valid.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Holy shit I agree with you on something. Everything you said here is perfectly correct.

          It’s some bullshit systemic racism and it hurts to hear even though it wasn’t explicitly taught that’s basically your experience, but thank you for speaking up about it.

          POC (and women) have to work extra hard to even get treatment and I have seen that first hand.

          • NeuromancerM
            64 months ago

            I dislike the term systemic racism because it is overused, but I think it fits this scenario perfectly. Most medical workers are not ‘racist,’ but racist stereotypes have infiltrated the thought process.

            Are blacks more likely to seek drugs? It’s hard to say when you assume all black people are drug seeking. I have never seen a study that shows that but that idea is in the system.

            I do ponder if that is why white people have such a high mortality rate with opioids. race%2Fethnicity distribution was 73%25 non-Hispanic White%2C 15%25,39.5 per 100 000 for 2018 and 2019%2C respectively.

            I know the current restrictions are to lower the deaths, but I think they are stupid. I don’t want to hijack the conversation, but the current ideology only pushes people to the black market, where they end up dead.

            This is one reason I support a single payer health system. We need to make sure we are not treating people with addictive drugs when we can actually fix their ailment. We also need to stop thinking addiction is a moral failing. Most people will become addicted to opioids if they are on them long enough, and even more so when we have much stronger opioids nowadays.

            Alright off my soapbox.

      • Shadow
        144 months ago

        Many people are unethical assholes. Doctors are people. Going to med school does not automatically make you a good person.

      • @marcos
        54 months ago

        People are more complicated than that.

      • @Dkarma
        24 months ago

        You could have just said conservatives instead of unethical assholes.

  • @[email protected]
    274 months ago

    But then you remember that we now live in Clown World and anything is possible.

    Well that’s because you genuinely believe that pain, the physiological phenomenon itself, is racist, rather than the social institutions around treating it. You’re the problem.

  • @TORFdot0
    94 months ago

    I don’t like socialism. I don’t think we can tax ourselves into prosperity and for the most part disagree with the heavy handed approaches to social justice and welfare that is typically popular on the fediverse. I even find it excessive how a lot of people obsessed with social justice find racism in places where it really isn’t there.

    But why is it that we can’t just stop being assholes for 5 minutes? Why does this have to be a politically contentious post? How would you feel if your grandmother or your child was in pain in the hospital and the nurses or doctor didn’t take their concerns seriously? How would it make you feel if someone you loved was going through unnecessary pain? How would it make you feel to have your concerns dismissed like this?

    Advil isn’t saying that doctors are racist or that white people are hogging all the pain killers for themselves. It sees a concerning trend in the standards of care between different groups and is trying to do something meaningful to change it. Why are we so concerned with our political identity that getting people the medicine that they need turns into an attempt to dismiss concerns and “dunk on libs”?

    • @Mickey7OP
      -154 months ago

      The point is that pain. Pain that all humans feel is somehow experienced differently based on the color of your skin. And that is simple nonsense .

      • @breadsmasher
        114 months ago

        You are so close to actually understanding.

      • @TORFdot0
        94 months ago

        Where does Advil or anyone else claim that pain is felt or experienced different based on race?

        If someone were saying it, that would be a nonsense and outrageous claim. Thats not what the material you posted says at all though.

  • @Mickey7OP
    -224 months ago

    I’m going to organize a protest march themed “Black Pain Matters”

  • @[email protected]
    -244 months ago

    If you truly want to discuss big pharma, are people finally ready to admit that they regret getting multiple injections, admit that they believed a lie so Big Pharma and members of government could make $100 Billion, and start listening to people who have never had any injections? Will people listen to Bill Gates talk about “we can reduce the population through vaccines”?

    • pezmaker
      4 months ago

      Zero regrets and I’ll get another booster with my flu shot next year. You’re conflating so many different things and binding them with conspiracy to lock it all together.

    • NeuromancerM
      24 months ago

      I don’t regret getting vaccinated. While it was not as effective as hoped, it was still effective. Thank Trump for making the impossible happen.

      • @[email protected]
        -114 months ago

        Are you willing be best friends with someone has never had any kind of injections? Do you ask random people during a conversation if they have it?

        • NeuromancerM
          44 months ago

          Would I be friends with anti vaccine person? Most likely no. Do I ask random people? No.

          I have a lot of vaccinations.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -134 months ago

      Too few people will ever agree with exactly what you said which is ENTIRELY true. They prefer to be treated like rubes than admit that they were lied to by Big Pharma.

      • @[email protected]
        -84 months ago

        People don’t want to consider that there are billionaires strategizing how to wipe out humanity and how to con te entire planet to voluntarily sign up for their own execution.They don’t understand that evil knows it can’t happen immediately because that will be too obvious. Get everybody to accept the poison but designed to take 15 years before there is a mass extermination of people collapsing seemingly out of nowhere.