TLDR: a county that has a mosque that had several 9/11 terrorists as well as the Fort Hood terrorist is letting kids skip the Holocaust lesson. All democrat board too.

What the actual fuck.

  • @[email protected]
    114 months ago

    The opt-out of the Holocaust lesson in FCPS, whose school board is entirely Democrat, is a reversal from the Left’s position on opt-outs on topics like transgenderism and anti-racism, which typically holds that hard truths are often uncomfortable, that it is the role of a school to instill certain values, and that on some issues, there are not two sides, but only good and evil.

    “When a parent chooses to censor a lesson over its content, their child loses the opportunity to engage with a different perspective. This robs the child of the benefits to critical thinking, social development, and civic engagement that come from grappling with diverse perspectives. In engaging with difference, we promote the type of informed thinking that forms the bedrock of democracy. In avoiding difference, we stifle it,” an education researcher wrote in Time Magazine, layout out the dominant view of Democrat politicos, who have sought to prevent parents from opting their students out as schools have increasingly pushed Democrat politics under the guise of diversity and inclusion, social emotional learning, sed ed, and other topics.

    Idk wtf “sed ed”, but this is rich.

    What they fail to mention is that the Daily Wire is advocating for the reversal of the Right’s position on opt-outs on topics like transgenderism and anti-racism, which typically holds that these aren’t truths, the school does not and should not have a role in instilling democratic pluralistic values, and that on some issues, kids would be better off ignorant.

    And now, when it comes to the Holocaust, they want to mandate it? Lol, no. You made your flea-infested bed on the pillar of parental rights. Now sleep in it.

      • @[email protected]
        124 months ago

        It’s the Republicans that have elevated Holocaust denying white supremacists to national offices and mainstreamed their views.

        No matter what D’Souza and Levin say (and do so without any real evidence), the Republican party is that of anti-Semitism. In contrast, the sizable segment of the Democrat party that cares for the 30K+ lives lost to Israel’s genocide does mean we hate Jews. In fact, maybe Israel should attend the Holocaust lesson…

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            The Israelis are defending from a genocide.

            The Oct 7th attacks killed 1200+ Israelies or thereabouts. If that’s genocide, then what is the 30K, many of whom are killed at sites of aid? Where is the self-defense in getting killing starving people?

            And the current Republican nominee, who supposedly had a great economy, has entertained several Holocaust deniers, including Nick Fuentes, a well-known anti-Semite. The same nominee had Stephen Miller as a senior White House adviser, the guy who dreamt up the Muslim ban, and is also a well-known anti-Semite.

            I like how your opinion piece says that the right purged anti-Semitism decades ago. Sure, we’ll assume that’s true (it’s not, but sure). The right has since reintroduced and cozied up to anti-Semitism by embracing Donald Trump.

            In other words, the right is full of anti-Semites and people who support Israel’s genocide. It’d be more accurate to describe the modern Republican party as one of hate and destruction. That’s how they can harbor both anti-Semites and “Kill them all” politicians that support Israel’s genocide.

            • NeuromancerM
              -124 months ago

              The Oct 7th attacks killed 1200+ Israelies or thereabouts. If that’s genocide, then what is the 30K, many of whom are killed at sites of aid? Where is the self-defense in getting killing starving people?

              That blood is on Hamas. Israel is dismantling Hamas they choose to fight in the middle of their people. They choose to hide with civilians.

              The right has since reintroduced and cozied up to anti-Semitism by embracing Donald Trump.

              Trump isn’t anti-Semitic. It’s why he was popular in Israel. His daughter is a Jew.

              • @[email protected]
                74 months ago

                That blood is on Hamas.

                Can you explain this? I hear this from Israel genocide supporters a lot. And it’s like Israel’s hands are tied, as if they’re required to murder civilian en masse because they’re at war with Hamas. So, how are Israel’s actions caused by Hamas as if Israel doesn’t have choices?

                • NeuromancerM
                  -64 months ago

                  Hamas is still attacking Israel. Under international law they have the right to self defense. Hiding in civilians doesn’t mean Israel loses the right to self defense.

                  Hamas could stop this at anytime but they refuse. As such the blood is on their hands.

      • @magnusrufus
        74 months ago

        You are a remarkably consistently dishonest person. You are trying the old trick of carefully selecting to say Democrat in historical reference but avoiding mentioning that in that historical context the Democrats used to be conservatives. The ideology that you are using as the spring board to denounce modern progressive Democrats is conservativism, the ideology that Republicans currently embody.

        • NeuromancerM
          -144 months ago

          Nothing has changed. Modern democrats are still racist and anti-Semitic. You can see that now with their hate of Israel.

          • @magnusrufus
            84 months ago

            Weird then how all the major racist figures gravitate to the right.

            But like I said remarkably consistently dishonest. The southern strategy never happened right?

            • NeuromancerM
              -114 months ago

              Yeah like Spencer who endorsed Biden.

              All the major racist are democrats. Remember Biden and his racial jungle comment. SMH. Anyways you’re going off topic. Have a nice day.

              • @magnusrufus
                4 months ago

                It’s not off topic to call out the dishonesty you introduce. You know it’s factual that it was conservatives that did the things you were pretending to condemn. You know that the parties essentially changed roles. You want to direct the conversation away from that and try to terminate it because you don’t have a defense against clear direct truth. You try that frequently as well.

  • @breadsmasher
    104 months ago

    Did no one read the article?

    skip a presentation from a Holocaust survivor

    its not a class, or a lesson.

    Rephrase it to

    “Let students skip a presentation on transgender rights”, I am sure conservatives wouldn’t have a problem.

      • @breadsmasher
        114 months ago

        Rolling out the strawman I see. At no point was my comment about holocaust denial.

        • NeuromancerM
          -114 months ago

          Then why are you trying to compare the two?

          Pretending the two Debates are similar is ignoring what the holocaust was. Two only overlap in that the holocaust involved the killing of trans/gay people as well. Something that should be included in a discussion of the holocaust.

          • @breadsmasher
            54 months ago

            No point discussing this further with you. Your inability to engage intellectually with the topics at hand makes discussion pointless.

            • NeuromancerM
              -94 months ago

              You are trying to minimize the holocaust. That’s a form of holocaust denial. Don’t trivialize the holocaust.

      • @AFaithfulNihilist
        4 months ago

        No one’s trying to deny the Holocaust here. What the fuck are you even on about?

        Oh I get it You’re pro Zionist and transphobic. I hope you grow out of this.

  • @Mickey7
    -64 months ago

    Does anyone even remember the outrage decades ago about holocaust deniers? I guess we can forget all that and no sanction it. Clown World for us

  • NeuromancerM
    -64 months ago

    I think one issue is there are not really any survivors left anymore. When I was a kid, they brought survivors into school and they talked about it. I doubt there are any survivors left anymore.