I found a place in a research lab, traversing it really hits home how FUBAR Earth is once things start to fall apart.

Makes me think that Exodii have the right way of thinking to do what they do


Science physics lab, and if I didn’t read the warnings - put on 5-point anchor before going forward - would have died to whatever the hell went wrong there

Place is full of black empty space, there is stupid amounts of shade ghosts that seem to be spawned by a bigger shade ghost, minotaurs, and owing to the broken nature of the place you bet the shoggoths are there.

I swear the shoggoths were teleporting or something… place is crazy, a lot of artifacts and there was a elevator to -10 floor that was just foreboding emptiness

There was a locked chamber with a very specific card requirement, but now that I have Probablity Travel, will probably take a peek what is behind that sealed door once I have completed my current projects ::

  • @JayEchoRayOP
    2 years ago

    Update and some pictures of the place mentioned:


    Xedra agents have some decent Xedra gear : XEDRA body armour, seems similar to full body armour, and prototype rifle which is a shogun rifle, havent really look too closely though to check if it supports other ammo types like the HWP

    Haven’t really travelled around the “Lost Level”, makes me think of the Dark Souls Abyss

    Such a dissappointment for the heavily secured room having nothing, not showing the floor with wraithes and shoggoths, need to bring a flamethrower for that, maybe a mini-nuke ( found one in a finale floor - which is a trap floor on ice lab that is -88°C) for the portal in there - I am sure that is what making things worse on the floor

    Reader has probability travel shielding, so had to hack my way in ( not sure if that effects the loot), there was 2 M249 Autonomous CROWS II at the first lockhead and another company computer other than XEDRA which I needs a login to do anything with it and I don’t have that either - so hacked past the door again.


    So bitterly dissapointed, I carried on looking for something, there is an annotated paper scrap and that has login access to the computer, allows 15 login attempts, got MELCHIOR report and access to security bot schematics for TALON UGV and M202A1 TALON UGV