We’re planning on growing strawberries this year. I was planning on putting them in pots with plant hangers on the sunny side of the fence, my wife suggested building a vertical tower with some dollar store tri-pots.

Both ideas make sense to me so i wanted to see if anyone had any experience/advice on what’s the best way, or if it doesn’t matter, or if there’s a much better idea that we haven’t thought of.

Thanks in advance!

  • @Death_Equity
    321 year ago

    Do what the wife says.

    You will get strawberries either way with no meaningful difference, but the lady will be happy you did what she wanted to do.

  • @benpetersen
    61 year ago

    If you go the tower route just don’t pack the soil in too tightly and remember to give them a lot of water

  • @IMALlama
    51 year ago

    Going vertical is a good idea. One of the things I’ve been kicking around is planting them in gutters that have been repurposed.

    If you’ve never grown strawberries before, know that they put out tons and tons of runners and will quickly fill, and try to grow out of, whatever you put them in. Keeping them at least a foot off the ground, be that with a tall container that’s on the ground, or otherwise will help you find and trim runners before they can establish in whatever they’re next to. The only thing more aggressive that I’ve grown is mint.

    • Convict45
      31 year ago

      Not all strawberries are runners, but you’re right about those that are. The good news about runners is that they become more strawberry plants if you give them a chance.

      • @IMALlama
        21 year ago

        Ah, I didn’t realized that only some of them put out runners. And you’re right - you do get more strawberries out of the deal. Ours are in a pair of decent sized pots near a pollinator friendly flower bed that we would prefer to be strawberry free though.