• @mholiv
    3 months ago

    This is stupid. They’re both capitalist parties, but Republicans are clearly the greater evil.

    If you live in the USA and can’t feel the difference between republican and democrat leadership you are in a very privileged place. Show some empathy.

      • MushuChupacabra
        363 months ago

        Because just about every piece “Both Parties Are The Same” rhetoric at play, right now at this point in history, aid and abet Trump’s (read Vladimir Putin) plan to destroy democracy.

        I wish I was being hyperbolic, but I’m not.

        • @[email protected]
          -163 months ago

          Because just about every piece “Both Parties Are The Same” rhetoric at play, right now at this point in history, aid and abet Trump’s (read Vladimir Putin) plan to destroy democracy.


          democrat (/republic) party is controlled by banks (/big business)

          both can be true. That’s why this rhethoric so effective


          OP asks why

          downvoted to 2/17

          this is reddit all over again. I am starting to wonder why I ever left

          • MushuChupacabra
            193 months ago

            Maybe you missed the part about the collapse of democracy, which would be the crystal fucking clear consequence of Trump becoming president again. Russian-style “democracy” with a heavy handed white christian nationalist bent.

            this is reddit all over again. I am starting to wonder why I ever left

            Maybe go back there.

          • @zzzzzzyx
            -13 months ago

            OP asks why

            downvoted to 2/17

            I’m just finding out lemmy is crazy for this. Earlier today a guy got brigaded and later post removed because he suggested that people use the mods to sanitise the forum of any dissenting opinion.

            I myself made a comment suggesting that “both-siderism” is really a matter of perspective and people should question their leaders rather than continue to choose the lesser of two evils, remaining in a constant state of fear. I asked why people felt that way to a similar result.

            Now you have very reasonably tried your hand at reasonable compromise to a similar result.

            How is any of this espousing the virtues of democracy?

            Lemmy isn’t reddit all over again, it’s worse.

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -273 months ago

          Both parties are run by the oligarchy. Where’s the lie?

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -243 months ago

              I’m not a Democrat and I’m not a Republican. I’m far left.

              • MushuChupacabra
                213 months ago

                Scanning your posts, I see tons of direct shots at Biden, and just about no posts about Trump, with the exception of signs of rising support for Trump among such and such group, how global markets are planning for Trump, and so on.

                Absolutely nothing warmer than a backhanded complement for Biden, a net narrative of Trump gaining ground amongst various demos that don’t vote Republican.

                I’m not a Democrat

                I believe this.

                and I’m not a Republican.

                You might be, or you might be a troll in a factory. The rhetoric overlaps; so whether you’re a republican or not is irrelevant.

                I’m far left

                Of course you are.

                • @Hypx
                  73 months ago

                  return2ozma is almost certainly a Russian agent or bot, or someone that deeply sympathizes with far right/fascist beliefs. He is only pretending to be “far left,” and shows zero interest in actually promoting any kind of left-wing policies. In short, he’s an outrageous troll, and people need to ignore or block him. Also, he needs to be report everywhere for being a troll.

                • @[email protected]
                  53 months ago

                  I’m far left

                  shits on any leftward progression while “ironically” cheering on donnie dump

                  Theres too many of these. So happy to see em getting called out on it.

                • @[email protected]
                  -43 months ago

                  I often see people on lemmy deride others for not posting things that would be directed at trump supporters here, on lemmy, which has a total of 0 vocal trump supporters. Tbf, how do you know this OP isn’t posting that content where it would actually be seen by those who’s jimmies would be rustled by it?

                  It’s entirely possible that this anonymous individual is also on trumpsocial or whatever the fuck it is as another anonymous individual trolling them there where they are, and is posting content that would be subversive here, here. Frankly it’d make more sense, anti trump stuff here is just a circle jerk, we all hate him dude.

                • @return2ozmaOP
                  -223 months ago

                  Here we go again… “you’re a Russian bot/Trumper/Republican because you’re critical of Biden!”


          • MushuChupacabra
            123 months ago

            Maybe you missed the part about the collapse of democracy, which would be the crystal fucking clear consequence of Trump becoming president again. Russian-style “democracy” with a heavy handed white christian nationalist bent.

            Where’s the lie?

            In the intellectual dishonesty to ignore the existential threat to democracy, as outlined above. It’s almost as though you’re payed to signal that way.

      • @[email protected]
        153 months ago

        One wants women to bleed out when they have a corpse in their body, the other doesn’t. Simple stuff.

  • @niktemadur
    233 months ago

    Looks exactly like the kind of messaging that republicans have kept on quietly pushing towards potential left-leaning voters to keep them unengaged and aloof, for years and years.

    A large serving of divide and conquer propaganda, plus making voting more difficult wherever they can, plus extreme flagrant gerrymandering. Cripple and destroy government programs whenever in power, keep on blaming “both sides” for it, election after election.

    “Look how stupid they are! They keep on falling for it, we keep on serving it!”

  • @SomeGuy69
    3 months ago

    This is so dumb.

    “No reason to vote they are all the same.”

    Yeah that’s how you erode democracy, by telling people it’s pointless to vote. On the other hand especially the American democracy has issues, as their two part system doesn’t allow for fine tuning of opinions and invites polarization. I hope at some point in future you guys become a real multi party democracy.

  • YeetPics
    133 months ago

    These troll posts are so lazy and unimaginative.

    I hope you’re earning many rubles as compensation.

  • @jordanlund
    73 months ago

    You’d think the Democrats would have more money then…

  • 🦄🦄🦄
    63 months ago

    “”“Big Bank”“” yeah right. Just say who you really mean, coward.

  • @Red_October
    43 months ago

    Oh look, another lazy-ass “Both sides amirite” meme.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    yes our next octogenarian in power will surely fix everything!

    look! he even promised! nothing wrong with this democracy here, nuh uh!

    • @[email protected]
      83 months ago

      One will erode vulnerable people’s safety faster than the other. To not vote for reduced risk for vulnerable people is callous privilege.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        you mean the us-mexico border camps arent currently eroding vulnerable peoples safety? that war in gaza? all the destruction the us is always sponsoring around the world…

        its rightully horrible when trump does this kind of thing but lets pretend its all good now and it isnt happening under our guy.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            refer to your last comment on this chain.

            are mexicans or gazans not vulnerable people your current administration is ruining the lives of? the ones you imply to care about?

            • @[email protected]
              53 months ago

              They absolutely are. And Biden is failing many topics, but trump would be worse.

              Which is why i said “faster”.

              Fuck off with the assumptions and loaded replies. It’s all trump apologetics with yall

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                what you wanted empty replies just agreeing with this absurd notion choosing evil is democratic somehow? so minorities are important but making the problem worse is somehow not worthy of criticism this time?

                i doubt trump would be that much worse because we’ve seen him be about the same, except he was loud about it. no actual democracy would ever let him run again, yet here we are.

                fascism is not stopping at the press of a button, or just because its perpetrator isnt being loud about it.