• bowdlerize - to remove parts of an account or text that are deemed offensive
  • junketing - taking an excursion for pleasure
  • voluble - marked by a ready flow of speech
  • parsimonious - excessively unwilling to spend
  • turgid - abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas // American Heritage (3): Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent or expansive force; swelled; swollen; bloated; inflated; tumid; – especially applied to an enlarged part of the body.
  • pall - a sudden numbing dread
  • torpid - slow and apathetic
  • redound - return or recoil
  • friable - easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder
  • bathyscaphe - navigable deep diving vessel for underwater exploration
  • gangplank - temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside
  • sphericity - the roundness of a three dimensional object

The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov

Short story: Waterclap

  • @j4k3OPM
    27 months ago

    I’m honestly not sure if Dr. Asimov used turgid incorrectly because I just can’t connect that one to a definition well in my mind. The sentence used was:

    A pall dropped between the two men, a pall as thick and as turgid as the pressurized sea water outside.

    I believe I’ve heard turgid used in the context of a dead body once or twice but never in reference to such an emotional state or compared to the pressurized deep sea.

    Also, gangplank and sphericity are obvious to me, but are a couple of words I don’t typically use and wanted to note.