Unfortunately for now it’s just phrase banning (with regex pattern-matching supported) and user ID banning - i.e. no ability to “login” and delete stuff, like you can do with the comments plugin. Hopefully this will suffice until I get around to making it easier (I want to make moderation easier on comments plugin at some point too - e.g. 1-click bans alongside existing 1-click delete).

There may be bugs! Please let me know if you find one in the comments below. I haven’t thoroughly tested it, so I’m relying on y’all :)

Edit: Also, a reminder that when I’m short on time (like lately) I’m most likely to fix things that people complain about often. Thanks to Allo and others for posting and complaining about this. Feel free to complain repeatedly and tag me often. It helps me prioritize.

  • VioneTM
    11 months ago

    Just a suggestion, can we have a hide button to only hide images for ourselves? i.e. to self moderate the images for ourselves?
    We might not want to block the user generating them, but only hide some images that we don’t want to see.

    Also, possibly the RegEx formatting here can be applied to the RegEx for the comments-plugin, since we still can’t use commas (,) on the RegEx for the banned words.

    Edit: I think RegEx with Perchance Syntax ( square brackets, curly brackets, caret, etc) still doesn’t work or at least it currently throws errors.

    Thanks again for the amazing update!!! 💜💜💜

    • @perchanceOPM
      311 months ago

      Thanks! Just fixed the perchance-syntax-in-regex problem, and I added the ability to specify a list of ban patterns for comments-plugin. Let me know if you notice any more issues, of course.

      RE a hide button for gallery - the downvote does hide it, but I’m guessing you want to hide without downvoting?

      • VioneTM
        211 months ago

        yeah, I assume that it would be only hidden unless it passes the certain threshold specified in the hideIfScoreBelow or was that changed, which is why a hide button is suggested.

        • @perchanceOPM
          211 months ago

          I’m not 100% sure what you mean by “a hide button to only hide images for ourselves”. Are you talking about a moderator tool, or a feature for individual users to hide images. If it’s the latter, then the downvote button should suffice since it does hide the image for the individual user who clicked said button. If you downvote an image, and then refresh the page, it should still be hidden. If not, then that’s a bug.

          • VioneTM
            211 months ago

            I do see the ‘blacked out’ image when it is downvoted. By ‘hide’ I think would be ‘remove’ the element/image from the gallery directly, which will shift the images, reclaiming the lost space. But I think it is alright for now.

            Some update on the comments-plugin, the RegEx works, but not on RegExes with ^ or $ for matching start and end strings, not really a problem I don’t think.

            Also, the RegEx doens’t work in the following configuration (in comments-plugin only, in text-to-image-plugin it works fine):

              bannedWords = [banned]
            • @perchanceOPM
              211 months ago

              Thanks!! bannedWords = [banned] should work now, and I fixed the ^ issue too. Just make sure to put a backslash before ^ due to perchance odds notation (Not ideal - maybe odds notation errors should happen at runtime rather than compile time - that would fix this, but would make odds bugs harder to find. Could maybe use warnings at compile time instead of error, and add a way to disable warnings for a list/sublist/item. Needs some thought…)

  • allo
    311 months ago

    @[email protected] you can deal with your gallery now :)

    can now choose what the pg-13 part does and does not contain and may solve your thing :)

    • @Gaipacub
      311 months ago

      hi, how so? i have removed the gallery as it get overwhelmed by one or other participant. it would be great if I could delete from gallery, or at least move from pg to non-pg tso that the pg remains appropriate

      • allo
        211 months ago

        yeah it isn’t that yet. only a step in the right direction i think. what i was thinking is you could use this new feature to inspect the prompts of the offending pg images, find the words that were resulting in them sneaking across the line, and list those words so that images with them don’t show up in the pg gallery. yes it isn’t yet admin control but was a step so thought to ping u in case it helped.

        • @Gaipacub
          211 months ago

          i would really have liked to keep a little of all and be able to move to +13, -13 so we would get full freedome of speach without offending but I have suspended gallery until I work an alternative out. still an amazing tool :)

  • allo
    111 months ago

    thank you so much!

  • VioneTM
    11 months ago

    @[email protected]

    Any chance for the gallery to only show the image that we clicked ‘show image’ on, instead of showing all of the images. I would like to not get flashed by a lot of NSFW images at once 🤣🤣🤣. Probably place the show all NSFW images as a command on the gallery settings?

    • @perchanceOPM
      311 months ago

      Fair! I just added a checkbox below the button to control that. I also added a button on the left to hide an item after showing it (and hiding is remembered in localStorage), and that button can also be used for hiding non-nsfw images too. Pls me know if there are any bugs or obvious things I missed here

      • VioneTM
        111 months ago

        Thanks again 😁