Wreak, FFS.
Second time I’ve seen wreck-as-wreak on lemmy today, in fact.
Not my meme, just too lazy to edit it myself.
Too lazy or are your respiratory problems acting up?
Jesús, heal thyself
I mean jesus it really must be tough to breathe
My apologies, PugJesus. I didn’t notice it was You. Please, forgive my insolence. May Your wheeze be as rare as the worthy souls in this life.
Hey, a Benchy!
Don’t forget logistics!
Himbs a chubby boy
I wish I had that little tank for rush hour commuting.
You can get a Ferret scout car fairly cheap.
Wow, that is cheap! If only I had somewhere to drive it, and spare cars to set up around the track to crush with it.
Because it has tires and not treads, it’s OK to drive on paved roads (treads tend to tear up asphalt), and apparently legal to own and drive in the greater 48. Jay Leno has one in his car collection.
Is there anything Jay Leno doesn’t have in his collection?
Non-denim clothes
Proper fire suppression?
Alternatively, following a similar naming convention, the Weasel : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiesel_AWC
I love the idea of like the Shriners rolling around in little tanks for parades.
Ah, the V-173 Flying Pancake on the bottom right! The most durable airplane that never was
The Stipa “Flying Barrel” was, it could be plausibly argued, the pioneer of the turbofan engine that powers pretty much all today’s big passenger jets.
the engine and propeller completely enclosed by the fuselage—in essence, the whole fuselage was a single ducted fan
Wow, that is pretty unique.
Today was rough so thank you. That little stubby plane is adorable.
The boat looks like someone just printed out a gigantic Benchy.
It often falls to the good guys to wreck the havoc that the bad guys wreak.
What is this? A military for ANTS‽ It needs to be at least three times this big!
Is the boat real? What was it used for?