Not even the dots over “i” in the question of who is behind the terrorist attack, which is usually done by the results of the investigation or the statements of the terrorists themselves, have been dotted yet, as the Russian info dumpers remembered that on March 8, the U.S. and Great Britain warned their citizens about the threat of attacks on crowded events in Moscow. And what conclusion do the cesspit analysts come to?

The US and UK are behind the terrorist attack.

But there is a nuance… nuances.

First - if you organize a terrorist act, why would you announce it to the whole world two weeks before it happens?

Second - if someone warns the whole world about an upcoming terrorist attack in your country (Russia), what should you do? Shouldn’t you put all law enforcement agencies in “red” mode to prevent the threat?

Third, Moscow is the most protected city not only in Russia, but also in the world. It rivals London in terms of surveillance equipment. In the number of plainclothes agents and agent networks, it is ahead of the world. And under these conditions, a group of four or five people manages to carry out such a large-scale terrorist attack??? Seriously???

Fourth - name a politician who came to power on blood (terrorist attacks and war), held power on blood (terrorist attacks and conflicts) and is trying to hold on to power on blood (big war and… continue by yourself).

Russian propagandists will now blame anyone for the terrorist attack in Moscow. USA, Great Britain, Ukraine, masses and illuminati. But, with their accusations, they are surprisingly coming out on their own.

The only thing is that I still find it difficult to answer what the ultimate goal of this massacre is.

  • @tomberukOP
    06 months ago

    Title: Unveiling the Crooked City Hall Terrorist Attack: Analytical Review

    Annotation: This analytical report dissects the recent terrorist attack at Crooked City Hall, scrutinizing the emerging propaganda narratives surrounding the incident. Through critical analysis, the report aims to uncover the complexities of attributing responsibility and discerning underlying motives.

    Rewrite, Hashtags: Decoding the Crooked City Hall Terror Attack: Analytical Insight #CrookedCityHall #TerrorAttackAnalysis #PropagandaAnalysis

    Editorial Comment: The aftermath of the Crooked City Hall terrorist attack has sparked a flurry of propaganda narratives, each attempting to assign blame and shape public perception. However, amidst the chaos of accusations, it is essential to maintain a discerning perspective and scrutinize the underlying motives behind such incidents.

    Conclusion: As the investigation into the Crooked City Hall terrorist attack unfolds, it becomes increasingly vital to navigate through the maze of propaganda and discern the truth. By critically analyzing the unfolding events and questioning the narratives put forth by various actors, we can strive towards a clearer understanding of the incident’s implications.

    Keywords: Crooked City Hall, Terrorist Attack, Propaganda, Analysis, Responsibility, Motives, Investigation

    Links: [Link to relevant news articles or official statements]