Gunmen rode through the school in Kuriga in north-western Nigeria seizing children as young as eight.
Archived version:
It’s just an AK like many others, but what the hell is he doing to it? It looks almost like he’s trying to bump fire it, but from the mag not the trigger?! The mag release is on the other side of the mag, so he isn’t dropping it, I’m so confused.
Edit: Wait, that mag is upside down and not inserted, he’s just holding it really weird.
Homo sapien males are indisputably the most dangerous and idiotically unsound animals in nature. Men generally are petty and hate-filled, but giving them weapons only ensures that war, kidnapping, assault, school shootings, killing people at concert halls, and destroying entire nations is going to happen.
Men were a mistake from the beginning - and whatever idiot god you choose to believe in is to blame. But the manufacturers of weapons are the ones who truly will burn in hell for helping men become even more rotten, corrupted, utterly filthy, and without redemption by any measure.
At last - a comment that makes complete sense to me. I appreciate it!