# !egg_irl General Rules: 1. No bigotry. 2. No spam, bots, or vote farming.
Rules on Content: 3. No reposts. 4. No personal-life posts, bingo cards,
quizzes, selfies, “trans/not trans” lists, picrew, or non-memes. 5. No visible
names or usernames. 6. Do not post or link to pornography. Rules on Post Titles
and Tags: 7. Posts must be titled “egg_irl”. An emoji or two is OK, but they
have to be between “egg” and “irl”. 8. Posts that assume the viewer’s gender
and/or contain potentially triggering content must be spoilered and tagged at
the beginning of the post title. Example content-warning tags that you can copy
include the following: * [CW: Assumes Viewer is Transmasc] * [CW: Assumes Viewer
is Transfem] * [CW: Assumes Viewer is Nonbinary] * [CW: Transphobia] * [CW:
Violence] * [CW: Weapons/Firearms] * [CW: Disturbing Imagery] 9. You may
optionally include other tags, such as: * [Transmasc Meme] * [Transfem Meme] *
[Nonbinary Meme] * [Gender-Nonspecific Meme] Rules on Post Text: 10. If
possible, include an image description for accessibility. 11. Add sources for
art. Recommendations: We strongly encourage you to include your pronouns in your
account bio [/settings] so that others know how to refer to you without
misgendering you. If you’re questioning or unsure of your pronouns, that’s
totally cool—just say so. Sibling Communities: * !traa
[email protected]] (or search for
[https://lemmy.ca/c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns] in your instance [/search] if the link
doesn’t work)