The technical mandate caused thousands of votes to be declared invalid in the 2022 election.

A requirement for Pennsylvania voters to put accurate handwritten dates on the outside envelopes of their mail-in ballots does not run afoul of a civil rights law, a federal appeals court panel said Wednesday, overturning a lower court ruling.

A divided 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to uphold enforcement of the required date on return envelopes, a technical mandate that caused thousands of votes to be declared invalid in the 2022 election.

The total number is a small fraction of the large state’s electorate, but the court’s ruling puts additional attention on Pennsylvania’s election procedures ahead of a presidential election in which its Electoral College votes are up for grabs.

A lower court judge had ruled in November that even without the proper dates, mail-in ballots should be counted if they are received in time. U.S. District Judge Susan Paradise Baxter said the envelope date is irrelevant in helping elections officials decide whether a ballot was received in time or if a voter is qualified.

  • @[email protected]
    866 months ago

    The fucking USPS stamps the date on there. How is a hand written date that I could put whatever more valid than a government agency stamping when it was mailed? Fuck your voter suppression crap.

    • @AbidanYre
      346 months ago

      if they are received in time

      They can’t mail it backwards in time either. This is bullshit of the highest order.

    • @ccunning
      146 months ago

      Hang on a sec - it sounds like you’re not attempting to disenfranchise folks…

      I can see why you’re confused…

    • @Fredselfish
      136 months ago

      Exactly this a bullshit law and Biden administration should be calling it out. Should be national news.

    • @BrokenGlepnir
      106 months ago

      I mean I could just write the wrong date. It honestly should have less to do with the validity.

    • SeaJ
      46 months ago

      What’s nuts about Susan Paradise Baxter is that she was first nominated by Obama but McConnell let her nomination expire. She was renominated by Trump and approved.

  • @mercano
    46 months ago

    Seems like a problem the legislature can fix pretty easily if they wanted to.