His first show brought in over 26 million “video views,” which is a Twitter metric that records a view as anyone who watches a video for more than 2 seconds. While the metric’s reliability has been questioned, it has nevertheless declined significantly since the show’s launch, with Carlson’s most recent show only getting 3.8 million video views, marking a drop of 86 percent.

  • @Rally
    321 year ago

    Smiling at this. A dead show on a dying platform. Karma is coming for these two people.

  • fiat_lux
    221 year ago

    Delicious. Thanks for some good news today, I needed it.

    I wish I could see the viewer retention graph for a video, I’d bet most people aren’t making it even 10 minutes in to an episode.

    • SlowNPC
      101 year ago

      I want to see how many people have less than 10 or 15 sec watch time… like how many “video views” are just the video autoplaying in someone’s feed as they scroll by?

      3.8 mil “video views” is still more than the 3.3 mil viewers he got on Fox, but >2 sec is such a trash metric that I really have no idea how many people are actually watching.

      • fiat_lux
        51 year ago

        Most of these graphs look like f(x) = 1 / x for exactly that reason, and given how little I’m hearing about the show on non-Twitter social media, I have no reason to doubt it would be the same here.

        The Swanson’s heir can bankroll a lot of episodes though, so he might not give up as easily as other “media personalities”. I think it will still be a blow to his ego though.

    • haddockseyesOP
      61 year ago

      I think people on Twitter (especially on smartphones) and people watching TV have very different attention spans in the first place.

    • BrambleDog
      31 year ago

      I believe his Twitter show episodes are around 10 minutes long.

      Knowledge Fight has been deconstructing them the last few weeks and they seem pretty short on content so far.

      • chaogomu
        91 year ago

        Well, Tucker doesn’t have all those Fox writers and researchers to fall back on anymore.

        From the very beginning of his career, he’s never actually known anything about, well, anything.

        He’s good at faking it, but that only works for the short term. After that it will be the same repetitive talking points.

      • fiat_lux
        41 year ago

        Oh, good to know, thanks! I was curious but didn’t want to accidentally boost his engagement by checking.

        Not that he ever had content, just sealioning and agitprop.

  • McBinary
    1 year ago

    So, let me preface this for context by saying that I’m an ICU nurse. You would be amazed at how many (and often) people come through my unit, literally on their death bed, who will wake up just long enough to get angry, explain how they “think Biden should be tried for treason” or something similarly inflammatory, and then tell me to put the TV on Fox news. They may only be conscious for a little bit, but this is a revolving conversation… These people live for this hateful content, they consume it during every waking moment - but 9 times out of 10 they are too fucking old to go searching for it on the internet.

    Fox ‘news’ is the megaphone and Tucker isn’t on the horn anymore.

      • BarqsHasBite
        21 year ago

        I visited the one on Reddit once, it was dead. Not much to discuss, the topics are discussed elsewhere.

    • McBinary
      1 year ago

      That was not at all what I expected to come from that man’s mouth when he started speaking. I live in Missouri; people that speak with that sort of drawl here are not typically as thoughtful with their words or opinions as he is, and it’s nice to see that for a change. Thanks for posting this.

  • stopthatgirl7
    111 year ago

    All he had to do was nothing and he would have still been collecting checks from Fox, but nope. He decided to throw in with Elon’s Twitter. Hilarious.

  • EnderWi99in
    41 year ago

    Well I know Dan and Jordan are still listening to it for the rest of us.

    • @BloodyFable
      11 year ago

      The show has really fallen off since the verdict, it’s like the dog caught it’s tail.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    More interesting to me would be the video completion rate. It’s ridiculous to claim two seconds as a video view. Their VCR is probably less than 10% of the people that start to watch. Most of his tv audience was too lazy or asleep to change the channel but on Twitter it’s just a matter of swiping your finger across the screen.