So after playing a bit of FFIV on switch and getting stuck at Baigan I’ve decided ATB just kinda isn’t my vibe. I enjoy turn-based games and action games though, so I thought it would make most sense to maybe start from X and then move on to the action games in the series, (hopefully XIII will come soon before I get to XV). I’ve played FFVII Remake and liked it, though I’m sure I didn’t master the mechanics at all lol. Do you think I can still have a valid final fantasy experience skipping most the series (atb games)?

  • @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    I haven’t played anything pre-VII, so I’m getting ready to be in the same boat playing through them. Currently I’m enjoying XVI.

    If you liked the remake, I would say start with VII. The original is the complete game whereas the remake is obviously only part 1 so far. However, you’ll have a better appreciation if you play the original, because in playing the remake you’ll notice that some things aren’t quite what they should be. And Aeris seems to have some awareness of this.

    As far as skipping, you’ve already noticed that the games aren’t connected, so that’s up to your preference. If you liked VIIR, go for XV. XIII is an acquired taste is all I can say for that. Though I would put in a vote for IX as well.

    But the stories in most of these games are truly something to be experienced one way or another.

    • @lylatmccloudOP
      22 years ago

      Thanks for the input! My previous plan was to start from VII and play the PS1 games from there. I messed around w/ VII a little but the ui kinda confused me (something I could get used to) and atb was being atb (I could maybe set it to wait and have a better go of it). VIII and IX stories seem really interesting to me. So it’s on my radar definitely. I should give these games another shot. I could get better, I’m just not used to rpgs that require timing is all. So many people claim X is peak FF (aside from VI) so I was scared of starting there and everything else feeling downhill. I’m strangely looking forward to the newer titles. I only have PS5 and Switch so I won’t be able to play XIII anytime soon looks at Square

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        There’s nothing wrong with setting it to wait, if that works for you, go for it! As always with older games, there’s the quirks and growing pains, but if you can get past them it’s a fantastic game.

  • @InverseParallax
    2 years ago


    Ff4 is incredible, but it’s also broken, I had the same problem.

    The battle speed setting basically makes bosses attack stupid fast, turn it down for bosses then back for adventuring.

    Had Dr whatshisface use me inappropriately several times before I finally figured out why I was just getting rolled.

    Love that game so damn much.

    This is for the 3d remake, but also might work on other games too, battle speed basically only increases enemy speed unlike in the original, and they just attack back to back.

    • @lylatmccloudOP
      32 years ago

      You might be right, I never messed with the settings, online people recommend wait. But battle speed could really help! I remember thinking I wasn’t able to even try to attack. And once he used haste it was all downhill from there. Which sucked cuz I was actually into the story at that point. You’ve given me something to consider replaying :)

      • @InverseParallax
        22 years ago

        Ff4 is so high on my list of rpgs and it gets better from there (though the troll cave is horrible).

        I don’t know where this bug came from but it’s known, I just lowered battle speed for really annoying bosses like baigan and that doctor, it’s basically impossible otherwise.

        Best of luck, the story on ff4 is incredible.

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    Most Final Fantasy games are standalone, you don’t really miss something if you skip the ATB games. So i think it’s fine.