This is part of a series on the smells of various substances—In the nose, if you catch my grift ;)

  • @Donjuanme
    411 months ago

    I’ve got 100% here in my lab, lemme check for you…

    (Don’t tell me science teachers I’m doing this, but I’m kinda near a fume hood if that makes it any better?)

    Smells a bit like… Formaldehyde… Burns if the nose is too close… Very over powering, slightly sour.

    I’ve got a bunch of diluted alcohols around here I could try (mostly whiskey and wine, some tequila), but alcohol itself smells like burning nose hair.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      411 months ago

      I was more jokingly referring to “has anyone snorted it and can report on it” in the vein of my previous meth/cocaine/Adderall smell threads haha.

      Thanks for chiming in tho, have an updoot 🎺🩻📉

      • dumbass
        511 months ago

        I have, it fucking burns like hell, chucky crushed pills hurt way less, the smell depends on the alcohol tho, tequila after snort is nice.