Hi everyone. Hyprland is doing this thing where when I change to a different workspace, everything on the non-visible workspaces drop in performance.

Normally this wouldn’t be an issue since I’m assuming hyprland does this to save resources for what you’re currently looking at. The issue is that Elden Ring sees this sudden drop in performance as an FPS issue and kicks me out of online play due to unstable FPS. For example, I’ll be playing on workspace 3, then I’ll look something up on my browser in workspace 1. After about 5 or 10 seconds Elden Ring will give me a pop up saying that I’ve been logged out due to FPS instability.

Is there a way to disable this performance drop for a specific workspace?

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Yo! You sure its not your machine’s fault. Coz to my knowledge, hyprland is just a compositor. I dont think it manages resouces (it should not).

    • chiivoOP
      111 months ago

      I don’t think so. It never did this on awesomewm and i only switched a couple days ago. Maybe instead of resource management it’s just not rendering the non-visible workspaces?