The Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness


A comprehensive discourse by the Buddha on the four establishments of mindfulness: the body, feelings, mind and mental qualities (phenomena, dhamma).

Thus have I heard — Once, the Blessed One was living in the land of the Kurus, in a town of the Kurus named Kammāsadhamma. There, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus.”

“Venerable Sir,” those bhikkhus replied to the Blessed One. The Blessed One said:

"This is the only way, bhikkhus, for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the destruction of suffering and discontentment, for the attainment of the right path, for the realization of Nibbāna, namely the four establishments of mindfulness.

What are the four?

  1. Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating the body in the body, ardent, fully aware, and mindful, having put away greed (lust, desire, attachment) and dissatisfaction (aversion, ill-will, resentment) for the world;

  2. he dwells contemplating feelings in feelings, ardent, fully aware, and mindful, having put away greed and dissatisfaction for the world;

  3. he dwells contemplating mind in mind, ardent, fully aware, and mindful, having put away greed and dissatisfaction for the world;

  4. he dwells contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities, ardent, fully aware, and mindful, having put away greed and dissatisfaction for the world.

1. Contemplation of the Body

1.1. Mindfulness of Breathing

How, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, gone to the forest or to the root of a tree or to an empty hut, sits down; having folded his legs crosswise, set his body erect, and established mindfulness in front of him. Mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out.

Breathing in long, he knows, ‘I breathe in long’; breathing out long, he knows, ‘I breathe out long’;

breathing in short, he knows, ‘I breathe in short’; breathing out short, he knows, ‘I breathe out short’.

He trains thus, ‘I shall breathe in experiencing the whole body’; he trains thus, ‘I shall breathe out experiencing the whole body’.

He trains thus, ‘I shall breathe in tranquilizing the bodily formation’; he trains thus, ‘I shall breathe out tranquilizing the bodily formation’.

Just as a skilled turner (carpenter) or his apprentice, when making a long turn knows, ‘I make a long turn’, or making a short turn knows, ‘I make a short turn’; so too, breathing in long, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I breathe in long’; breathing out long, he knows, ‘I breathe out long’; breathing in short, he knows, ‘I breathe in short’; breathing out short, he knows, ‘I breathe out short’; he trains thus, ‘I shall breathe in experiencing the whole body’; he trains thus, ‘I shall breathe out experiencing the whole body’; he trains thus, ‘I shall breathe in tranquilizing the bodily formation’; he trains thus, ‘I shall breathe out tranquilizing the bodily formation’.

Thus, he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in the body. The awareness ‘There is a body’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

The section on Mindfulness of Breathing is completed.

1.2. Contemplation of the Body in Postures

Again, bhikkhus, when walking, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I am walking’; when standing, he knows, ‘I am standing’; when sitting, he knows, ‘I am sitting’; when lying down, he knows, ‘I am lying down’; or however his body is disposed, he knows it.

Thus, he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in the body. The awareness ‘There is a body’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

The section on Postures is completed.

1.3. Contemplation of the Body in Clear Comprehension

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu is one who acts with clear comprehension when going forward and returning; who acts with clear comprehension when looking ahead and looking away; who acts with clear comprehension when flexing and extending his limbs; who acts with clear comprehension in wearing his robes and carrying his outer robe and bowl; who acts with clear comprehension when eating, drinking, consuming food, and tasting; who acts with clear comprehension when defecating and urinating; who acts with clear comprehension when walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, and keeping silent.

Thus, he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in the body. The awareness ‘There is a body’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

The section on Clear Comprehension is completed.

1.4. Contemplation of the Body in the Asubha Practice (Reflection on repulsiveness)

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reviews this very body from the soles of the feet up and from the top of the hair down, bounded by skin and full of various impurities: ‘In this body, there are head hairs, body hairs, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, bone marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, contents of the stomach, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, mucus, oil of the joints, and urine.’

Just as if, bhikkhus, there were a bag with an opening at both ends full of many sorts of grain, such as rice, barley, beans, peas, millet, and white rice, and a man with good eyesight having opened it were to reflect, ‘These are rice, these are barley, these are beans, these are peas, these are millet, these are white rice.’

In the same way, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reflects on this very body from the soles of the feet up and from the top of the head down, surrounded by skin and filled with various kinds of impurity: ‘In this body, there are head hairs, body hairs, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, tendons, bones, bone marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, membranes, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach contents, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, spit, snot, synovial fluid, urine.’

Thus, he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in the body. The awareness ‘There is a body’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

The section on Asubha Practice is completed.

1.5. Contemplation of the Body in Reflection on the Elements

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reviews this very body, however it is placed, however disposed, as consisting of elements thus: ‘In this body, there are the earth element, water element, fire element, and air element.’

Just as if, bhikkhus, a skilled butcher or butcher’s apprentice, having killed a cow, were to sit at a crossroads with it cut up into pieces.

In the same way, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reflects on this very body, as it stands, as it is laid down, according to elements: ‘In this body, there are the earth element, the water element, the fire element, the air element.’

Thus he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising phenomena in the body, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing phenomena in the body, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing phenomena in the body. ‘There is a body,’ thus mindfulness is established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

The section on Reflection on the Elements is completed.

1.6. Contemplation of the Body in the Cemetery Contemplations

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he saw a corpse thrown in a cemetery one, two, or three days dead, bloated, discolored, and decomposing. He applies this perception to his own body: ‘This body too is of the same nature; it will become like that; it is not exempt from that fate.’ Thus he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in the body, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in the body. The awareness ‘There is a body’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he saw a corpse thrown in a cemetery being eaten by crows, dogs, vultures, or various kinds of creatures. He applies this perception to his own body: ‘This very body is of the same nature, it will become like that, it is not beyond that.’ Thus he dwells contemplating the body internally…

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he saw a corpse thrown in a cemetery, a skeleton with flesh and blood, held together with sinews… a skeleton smeared with blood, held together with sinews… a fleshless skeleton, held together with sinews… bones scattered in all directions, here a hand bone, there a foot bone, here a shin bone, there a thigh bone, here a hip bone, there a backbone, here a rib bone, there a breast bone, here an arm bone, there a shoulder bone, here a neck bone, there a jaw bone, here a tooth, there a skull. He applies this perception to his own body: ‘This very body is of the same nature, it will become like that, it is not beyond that.’ Thus he dwells contemplating the body internally…

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he saw a corpse thrown in a cemetery, the bones whitened, the color of shells… bones heaped up, over a year old… bones decayed into dust. He applies this perception to his own body: ‘This very body is of the same nature, it will become like that, it is not beyond that.’

Thus he dwells contemplating the body internally, or he dwells contemplating the body externally, or he dwells contemplating the body both internally and externally; contemplating the arising phenomena in the body, or contemplating the vanishing phenomena in the body, or contemplating both the arising and vanishing phenomena in the body. ‘There is a body,’ thus mindfulness is established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating the body in the body.

The section on Cemetery Contemplations is completed.

2. Contemplation of Feelings

And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating feelings in feelings?

Here, bhikkhus, when feeling a pleasant feeling, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I feel a pleasant feeling.’

When feeling a painful feeling, he knows, ‘I feel a painful feeling.’

When feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he knows, ‘I feel a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling.’

When feeling a worldly pleasant feeling, he knows, ‘I feel a worldly pleasant feeling.’

When feeling an unworldly (interior) pleasant feeling, he knows, ‘I feel an unworldly pleasant feeling.’

When feeling a worldly painful feeling, he knows, ‘I feel a worldly painful feeling.’

When feeling an unworldly painful feeling, he knows, ‘I feel an unworldly painful feeling.’

When feeling a worldly neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he knows, ‘I feel a worldly neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling.’

When feeling an unworldly neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he knows, ‘I feel an unworldly neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling.’

Thus, he dwells contemplating feelings internally, or he dwells contemplating feelings externally, or he dwells contemplating feelings both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising phenomena in feelings, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing phenomena in feelings, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing phenomena in feelings. ‘There is a feeling,’ thus mindfulness is established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating feelings in feelings.

The section on Contemplation of Feelings is completed.

3. Contemplation of Mind

And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mind in mind?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu knows a mind with passion (craving, desire, attachment) as ‘a mind with passion’; knows a mind without passion as ‘a mind without passion’; knows a mind with aversion (ill-will, hatred, resentment) as ‘a mind with aversion’; knows a mind without aversion as ‘a mind without aversion’; knows a mind with delusion (absence of close examination and verification, operating on incorrect perceptions or assumptions) as ‘a mind with delusion’; knows a mind without delusion as ‘a mind without delusion’; knows a contracted mind as ‘a contracted mind’; knows a distracted mind as ‘a distracted mind’; knows an exalted mind as ‘an exalted mind’; knows an unexalted mind as ‘an unexalted mind’; knows a surpassed mind as ‘a surpassed mind’; knows an unsurpassed mind as ‘an unsurpassed mind’; knows a concentrated mind as ‘a concentrated mind’; knows an unconcentrated mind as ‘an unconcentrated mind’; knows a liberated mind as ‘a liberated mind’; knows an unliberated mind as ‘an unliberated mind’.

Thus, he dwells contemplating mind internally, or he dwells contemplating mind externally, or he dwells contemplating mind both internally and externally. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in the mind, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in the mind, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in the mind. The awareness ‘There is a mind’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mind in mind.

The section on Contemplation of Mind is completed.

4. Contemplation of Mental Qualities

4.1. Contemplation of Mental Qualities in the Hindrances

And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities with regard to the five hindrances. And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in and of themselves with regard to the five hindrances?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu knows when there is sensual desire present in him, ‘There is sensual desire in me,’ or when there is no sensual desire present, ‘There is no sensual desire in me,’ and he knows how unarisen sensual desire can arise, how arisen sensual desire can be removed, and how a removed sensual desire does not arise again in the future.

He knows when there is ill-will present in him, ‘There is ill-will in me,’ or when there is no ill-will present, ‘There is no ill-will in me,’ and he knows how unarisen ill-will can arise, how arisen ill-will can be removed, and how a removed ill-will does not arise again in the future.

He knows when there is dullness (complacency) present in him, ‘There is dullness in me,’ or when there is no dullness present, ‘There is no dullness in me,’ and he knows how unarisen dullness can arise, how arisen dullness can be removed, and how a removed dullness does not arise again in the future.

He knows when there is restlessness and remorse present in him, ‘There is restlessness and remorse in me,’ or when there is no restlessness and remorse present, ‘There is no restlessness and remorse in me,’ and he knows how unarisen restlessness and remorse can arise, how arisen restlessness and remorse can be removed, and how a removed restlessness and remorse does not arise again in the future.

He knows when there is doubt present in him, ‘There is doubt in me,’ or when there is no doubt present, ‘There is no doubt in me,’ and he knows how unarisen doubt can arise, how arisen doubt can be removed, and how a removed doubt does not arise again in the future.

Thus, he dwells contemplating internally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating externally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating both internally and externally on mental qualities in and of themselves. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in a mental quality. The awareness ‘There are mental qualities’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities with regard to the five hindrances.

The section on the Hindrances is completed.

4.2. Contemplation of Mental Qualities in the Aggregates

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities with regard to the five aggregates of clinging. And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in and of themselves with regard to the five aggregates of clinging? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu contemplates: ‘Such is form, such is the arising of form, such is the cessation of form; such is feeling, such is the arising of feeling, such is the cessation of feeling; such is perception, such is the arising of perception, such is the cessation of perception; such are formations, such is the arising of formations, such is the cessation of formations; such is consciousness, such is the arising of consciousness, such is the cessation of consciousness’;

Thus, he dwells contemplating internally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating externally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating both internally and externally on mental qualities in and of themselves. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in a mental quality. The awareness ‘There are mental qualities’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities with regard to the five aggregates of clinging.

The section on the Aggregates is completed.

4.3. Contemplation of Mental Qualities in the Sense-Bases

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the six internal and external sense bases. And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in and of themselves in the six internal and external sense bases?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu knows the eye and forms, and the fetter that arises dependent on both; he knows how the unarisen fetter can arise, and how the arisen fetter can be abandoned, and how the abandoned fetter will not arise in the future.

He knows the ear and sounds, and the fetter that arises dependent on both; he knows how the unarisen fetter can arise, and how the arisen fetter can be abandoned, and how the abandoned fetter will not arise in the future.

He knows the nose and odors, and the fetter that arises dependent on both; he knows how the unarisen fetter can arise, and how the arisen fetter can be abandoned, and how the abandoned fetter will not arise in the future.

He knows the tongue and flavors, and the fetter that arises dependent on both; he knows how the unarisen fetter can arise, and how the arisen fetter can be abandoned, and how the abandoned fetter will not arise in the future.

He knows the body and tactile objects, and the fetter that arises dependent on both; he knows how the unarisen fetter can arise, and how the arisen fetter can be abandoned, and how the abandoned fetter will not arise in the future.

He knows the mind and mental objects (ideas), and the fetter that arises dependent on both; he knows how the unarisen fetter can arise, and how the arisen fetter can be abandoned, and how the abandoned fetter will not arise in the future.

Thus, he dwells contemplating internally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating externally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating both internally and externally on mental qualities in and of themselves. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in a mental quality. The awareness ‘There are mental qualities’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the six internal and external sense bases.

The section on the Sense-Bases is completed.

4.4. Contemplation of Mental Qualities on the Factors of Awakening

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the seven factors of awakening. And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in and of themselves in the seven factors of awakening?

Here, bhikkhus, whether there is the mindfulness awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the mindfulness awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no mindfulness awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the mindfulness awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen mindfulness awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen mindfulness awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Whether there is the investigation of phenomena awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the investigation of phenomena awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no investigation of phenomena awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the investigation of phenomena awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen investigation of phenomena awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen investigation of phenomena awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Whether there is the persistence awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the persistence awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no persistence awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the persistence awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen persistence awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen persistence awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Whether there is the joy (rapture) awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the joy awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no joy awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the joy awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen joy awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen joy awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Whether there is the tranquility awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the tranquility awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no tranquility awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the tranquility awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen tranquility awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen tranquility awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Whether there is the concentration awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the concentration awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no concentration awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the concentration awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen concentration awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen concentration awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Whether there is the equanimity awakening factor present internally, a bhikkhu knows, ‘I have the equanimity awakening factor in me,’ or if there is no equanimity awakening factor present, he knows, ‘I do not have the equanimity awakening factor in me,’ and he knows how the unarisen equanimity awakening factor can arise, and how the arisen equanimity awakening factor can be developed and fulfilled.

Thus, he dwells contemplating internally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating externally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating both internally and externally on mental qualities in and of themselves. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in a mental quality. The awareness ‘There are mental qualities’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the seven factors of awakening.

The section on the Contemplation of Mental Qualities in the Factors of Awakening is completed.

4.5. Contemplation of Mental Qualities in the Four Noble Truths

Again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the Four Noble Truths.

And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the Four Noble Truths? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu knows as it really is, ‘This is suffering (discontentment, stress),’ he knows as it really is, ‘This is the origin of suffering,’ he knows as it really is, ‘This is the cessation of suffering,’ and he knows as it really is, ‘This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering.’

Thus, he dwells contemplating internally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating externally on mental qualities in and of themselves, or he dwells contemplating both internally and externally on mental qualities in and of themselves. He dwells contemplating the arising factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating the vanishing factors in a mental quality, or he dwells contemplating both the arising and vanishing factors in a mental quality. The awareness ‘There are mental qualities’ is simply established in him to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness. He dwells independent and does not cling to anything in the world.

Thus, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell contemplating mental qualities in mental qualities in the Four Noble Truths.

The section on the Contemplation of Mental Qualities in the Four Noble Truths is completed.

"Indeed, bhikkhus, if anyone should develop these four establishments of mindfulness in such a way for seven years, one of two fruits can be expected: either final knowledge here and now or, if there is a trace of clinging left, non-returner status.

Let alone seven years, bhikkhus. If anyone should develop these four establishments of mindfulness in such a way for six years… five years… four years… three years… two years… one year… Let alone one year, bhikkhus. If anyone should develop these four establishments of mindfulness in such a way for seven months, one of two fruits can be expected: either final knowledge here and now or, if there is a trace of clinging left, non-returner status. Let alone seven months, bhikkhus. If anyone should develop these four establishments of mindfulness in such a way for six months… five months… four months… three months… two months… one month… half a month… Let alone half a month, bhikkhus. If anyone should develop these four establishments of mindfulness in such a way for one week, one of two fruits can be expected: either final knowledge here and now or, if there is a trace of clinging left, non-returner status."

“This is the only way, bhikkhus, for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the destruction of suffering and discontentment, for the attainment of the right path, for the realization of Nibbāna, namely the four establishments of mindfulness.” Thus what was said, was said in relation to this.

The Blessed One said this. The bhikkhus were delighted and rejoiced at the Blessed One’s words.

Of the four foundations, establishing the mindfulness of the body is the first foundation. The Buddha shares its prominence in this manner:

“Mendicants, those who don’t enjoy mindfulness of the body don’t enjoy freedom from death. Those who enjoy mindfulness of the body enjoy freedom from death.”

– AN 1.616

This being a comprehensive discourse, it covers all the ways one can establish mindfulness of the body. Not all ways need to be cultivated: mindfulness of breathing 1.1 is typically sufficient. The other methods may be applied depending on one’s inclinations and hindrances. For e.g. the 1.4 asubha practice of drawing attention to all the parts of the body and seeing them as they’re is a good way if one is seeing a lot of permanence in the body and the outer appearance of it.

The establishing in the mindfulness of feelings is gradual. Any practitioner can become aware and established of the worldly pleasant, unpleasant and neither-pleasant-nor-unpleasant feelings with frequent practice. The establishing of the unworldly feelings happens as one is cultivating the jhānas.

The establishing the mindfulness of mind and mental qualities is likewise gradual. The most coarse levels are obvious and one can become aware of them from the outset, and with frequent practice, one uncovers the subtle layers of mind and mental qualities over time.

By the time one awakens to the truth of enlightenment (stream-entry), one will have established the mindfulness of mind to the extent that it is an effortless process. Effortlessness in the other foundations happens at different stages of enlightenment.

The Buddha’s overall teaching is that if one were to just practice mindfulness of breathing in this manner, one would gradually establish themselves in the four foundations of mindfulness, and one would gradually establish themselves in the seven factors of awakening, leading to either enlightenment (Arahantship) with final knowledge or non-returner (3rd stage of enlightenment).

Related Teachings:

Gradual training, gradual practice and gradual progress (MN 107) - The gradual training guidelines when trained in gradually, result in gradual progress towards establishment of mindfulness of body. Each practice area should be taken up as a new habit to cultivate until it becomes easy, automatic, and second nature. One should closely examine to independently verify that the condition of the mind is improving and one’s personal/professional relationships are improving.

Progressive elimination of refined corruptions (AN 3.101) - A teaching sharing a visual simile of the gradual manner in which a meditator eliminates more refined corruptions akin to how gold is purified in gradual steps.

Hindrances as different bowls of water (SN 46.55) - A teaching sharing a visual simile of the effects the five hindrances have on the mind. Understanding the five hindrances, and developing awareness of the mental qualities associated with them to cut them off as they’re present is a practice that when frequently practiced, leads to the the cultivation of jhānas.

  • Digitalprimate
    16 months ago

    The Pali cannon, just what everyone needs before a Friday night!

    j/k! nice way to explain Four Noble Truths. Eightfold path next?