• @Boddhisatva
    156 months ago

    The Tennessee attorney general’s office’s only “defense” was that the plaintiffs—several of whom have made clear they want to have children and families, but fear Tennessee’s abortion ban—don’t respect life. “The entire presentation of the other side, I have not heard one acknowledgment of the fact that when they mention abortion care, what that involves is the termination of another life,” Hermandorfer said.

    People who need to terminate a non-viable fetus in order to save the life of the mother don’t respect life? The cumulative intellect at the Tennessee Attorney General’s office is just astonishing.

  • @fluxion
    26 months ago

    This is the whole point. Effectively ban all abortions without having to go through the legal process of arguing why they are justified in killing/torturing at-risk pregnant women.