Westworld co-creator Jonathan Nolan has vowed to “finish the story” they had planned before HBO abruptly cancelled the series.

  • @Visstix
    166 months ago

    Season 1 had a perfectly good ending.

    • littleblue✨
      86 months ago

      Seriously. Even Season 2 was fine where it wrapped. By the time it was “cancelled”, its corpse was rotting in the sun.

  • @Stovetop
    116 months ago

    I sincerely hope so. The later seasons weren’t perfect, but they were still interesting enough to leave me wanting more, and to have it just unceremoniously cut off stings pretty badly. Real Netflix move.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    66 months ago

    I loved the first three seasons, the last one was pretty bleak and depressing but I definitely wanted to see where they were going with it, I hope they get to finish it.

  • @Jakdracula
    46 months ago

    I stopped watching mid way though season 2.

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    Good. I didn’t care for season 3 when I watched it, but then I watched season 4. I can see where they’re planning to go in season 5, and how season 3 is a dull but necessary part of the buildup. I think season 3 really killed a lot of momentum, and thus a lot of the hype, but I’m very willing to give season 5 the chance to bring it all together.

    • wolfshadowheart
      26 months ago

      Season 3 made season 4 harder to watch. Season 4 was better than 3 but it also felt kind of… I’m not quite sure the right word. Diluted? Or maybe the other direction as a Flanderization?

      Most of my issues were the pacing and the attempt at making the show feel heavy, but it ended up not quite hitting the marks for me.

    • @Stovetop
      56 months ago

      Not sure if you watched up to the end of season 4, but it ends on a cliffhanger. They were building to a final season that would answer the “Can humanity and AI coexist in the same world?” question that the series had been asking since the beginning.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        26 months ago

        Maybe another season or two came out after I finished. It has been years, but I remember it ending with a mass murder orchestrated by - I think - Anthony Hopkins. Man, I barely remember, but I think he had all the bots kill the scientists, or something like that to shut the project down? I guess I need to go watch it again.

        • @Stovetop
          16 months ago

          That was the ending of season 1, they did make 3 more seasons after that. If that is a satisfying ending, you’re fine leaving it at that, but I did like the later stuff a bit.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            26 months ago

            Huh, idk how I never heard about the following seasons. Are they any good?

            • @Stovetop
              36 months ago

              They’re mixed. I think season 1 was the peak of the series but I still found the others to be enjoyable/thought provoking enough to be worth it. Not everyone thinks the same, however, and wish it ended at season 1.

              So I’d say if you feel fulfilled, you’re good with just season 1. If you feel like you want more, there are 3 more seasons, but I would honestly wait until season 5 comes out (if ever, unlikely) because otherwise it’s not going to provide a satisfying conclusion as-is.