This teaching is from the section Mastering the Mind of the book “In the Buddha’s Words” by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Born of Seclusion

At one time, the Venerable Sāriputta was dwelling in Sāvatthi, in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s park. Then, in the morning, having dressed and taken his bowl and robe, he entered Sāvatthi for alms. Having wandered for alms in Sāvatthi and after the meal, having returned from his alms gathering, he approached the Dark Forest for the day’s abiding. Having entered the Dark Forest, he sat down at the root of a certain tree for the day’s abiding.

Then, in the evening, having emerged from seclusion, he approached Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s park. The Venerable Ānanda saw Venerable Sāriputta coming from afar. Seeing him, Venerable Ānanda said:

“Your faculties are clear, friend Sāriputta; your facial complexion is pure and bright. In what dwelling have you dwelled today, Venerable Sāriputta?”

“Here, friend, secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unwholesome states, I entered and dwelled in the first jhāna, which includes thought and examination, with the joy and happiness born of seclusion. For me, friend, the experience was not characterized by thoughts such as ‘I am entering the first jhāna,’ ‘I have entered the first jhāna,’ or ‘I have emerged from the first jhāna.’”

“Indeed, Venerable Sāriputta has long ago eradicated the underlying tendencies towards I-making, mine-making, and conceit. Therefore, for him, there is no such thought process as ‘I am entering the first jhāna,’ ‘I have entered the first jhāna,’ or ‘I have emerged from the first jhāna.’”

Related Teachings:

Gradual training, gradual practice and gradual progress (MN 107) - The gradual training guidelines provided by the Buddha provide a way for one to not seek gratification in external forms. Gradually, as one is purifying the mind by ethical conduct, sense restraint, being moderate in eating, one is escaping from the grasping of the form aggregate and replacing that with wise decision-making in their interactions.

  • As one is practicing further by dedicating to wakefulness, practicing situational awareness - one is extending wise decision-making in all that they do.

  • By non-clinging and non-involvement with the form aggregate, one is then able to be in seclusion and cultivate jhānas.

The Simile of the Tree Trunk | Eight obstacles to avoid on the path of enlightenment (SN 35.241) - Conceit is a tendency of the mind associated with measuring, comparing and placing oneself in reference to others: as superior, equal or inferior. It is one of the eight obstacles to the path to enlightenment shared in this teaching with a visual metaphor of a tree trunk.

Gratification of feelings, drawback of feelings, and escape from it (from MN 13) ↗️ - A teaching on the ultimate gratification of feelings, its drawbacks and escape.