• @jeffwOP
    2 months ago

    Hear me out before you downvote but this is actually bad news. First consider:

    But Georgia, which already passed an employment-first bill in 2018, needs “a reset on Employment First,” Kelly told me. Georgia made the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation Agency responsible for implementing the law; Kelly says the agency has “been an absolute abysmal failure to disabled people” that hasn’t “improved the realities for disabled employment.”

    In other words, GA will aggressively shut down prevocational 14c facilities with no additional support for the people who worked there.

    I used to work with the IDD community, which make up the vast majority of sub minimum wage workers. You can’t simply remove a support without funding a replacement. The sad reality is that a lot of these people will be neglected and end up sitting at home all day without funding for staff to help them, whether that be just spending time in the community or a job coach to help them get and maintain a job.

    Edit: you might think that this is me inserting my will onto others and not respecting their beliefs. However, I’ve had conversations with dozens of people in these situations and the vast majority do not want to leave. The main reasons I heard were the chill environment where you work at your own pace. If you assemble a widget, you might get 20 cents, but then you can go and hang out with your friends and not work the rest of the hour. Or if you really want to work, the wages are set so that they usually meet minimum wage standards for someone who is productive enough.

    I’ll close by saying that I absolutely support abolishing 14c of the FLSA, but only if governments put their money where their mouth is and fund services.