Stuck at work today, wanted to get a thread going with the community and see how it’s performing.

Personally I’ve been unable to complete a Difficulty 7 operation without a hard crash. Really hope this has resolved it!

  • @Pheonixdeath
    411 months ago

    Yesterday night I suddenly had network issues snd had to reboot the pc. Just that game had technical issues. After that it was fine.

    Today though, my brothers were playing earlier and couldnt enter a new round. They kept having connection issues and mission would cancel. Eventually they both reset their pcs. So that was new for us.

    Later in the evening I suddenly and randomly flew stupid high into the sky… And fellto my death. Fun.

    I didnt encounter a lot of the issues others complained about. So for me this new patch has made more issues. May need another patch.

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    try underclock your GPU by 100~200mhz if it has those boost clock settings. I have a 7900xtx and they still haven’t fix the AMD crash but underclock helped me a lot I almost never had a crash since I did that. (except the regular extraction crash which is a game side bug, even that is rare occurrence.)

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I have the same card and I haven’t had a hard crash in a few weeks (I did definitely have it before). Maybe it’s my fps limit settings (144) but it’s been more stable for me than for my play group (last night we had two crashes mid mission, one of which was FIVE SECONDS from extraction

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        I know, I had those as well. Even when playing with my regular group, you don’t have enough time to rejoin thus just have to tell them to pick up the samples you dropped. XD (now I don’t need samples so I am totally fine.)

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        well, it should be much more stable as you aren’t going to have driver crash like PC players, so only game logic crashes.

  • @jesta
    211 months ago

    I played few missions and didn’t crash once. Yesterday I was getting crash almost every time after extraction.

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    Steamdeck here. I had 3 crashes in the span of 2 hours after the patch. I had not seen the bug reporter before since I started playing in the beginning of march.

  • @robaleesOP
    111 months ago

    I jumped on earlier, difficulty 7 with randoms, immediate network disconnect. Played a couple of difficultly 5, zero issues. Gonna try and get the next difficulty this week and hopefully this was just a high volume one off! Also apologies, should have stated PS5 in my original post, jealous of the PC workarounds.