I love [Oil-Gorger Troll]. ONE was one of my favorite draft environments, and I really loved the oil counter mechanic. I keep a very jank oil based edh deck around. He won me a bunch of games in draft, I love the art, and the “flavor” text (get it?) cracks me up.

What card sparks joy for you and why?

  • nocturne
    116 months ago

    Not only do I love the art, but the ability at the time was fairly unheard of. It is way overcosted now. But still such a fun card.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      86 months ago

      I know that thats foam, but my brain says he is eating popcorn and loving it

  • @MysticKetchup
    86 months ago

    Basilica Bell-Haunt

    The art, the solid mana cost and the frame colors make it an aesthetically very pleasing card, but when it was revealed I figured it would be a good draft card but not playable in Standard. But it turned out to be a fantastic stabilizing card in Esper Hero and punched way above its weight as an uncommon. GRN/RNA was also just a great era for Standard so it’s tied to good memories from that time as well.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      56 months ago

      Yeah thats a dope looking card. Always love seeing non-generic mana costs, even though I know it makes the card worse.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      36 months ago

      Ah the lynchpin of my [[Varina, Lich Queen]] deck! I really enjoy one drops, especially when they do that much work.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    I’ll always have fond memories of [[Aurochs Herd]]. I know a lot of people don’t like Coldsnap draft, but I’ll play it anytime, and I’ll probably try to force green.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      6 months ago

      I love it! Makes me want to put together a jank 40 card tribal. Doesnt seem like it’d be expensive…

  • Silverchase
    56 months ago

    Once Upon a Time is perhaps the greatest gameplay-flavor integration win Magic has ever had. For a while, standard matches all began with someone saying the name of the card.

    Once Upon a Time

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    Avenging Angel seemed so cool when I first started playing. It didn’t die, and a 3/3 flyer was pretty good a closing games (though not as quick as a Thorn Elemental).

    I just loved how it kept coming back to avenge itself.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      16 months ago

      Oh yeah my friends hate that card in my [[Naban, Dean of Iteration]] deck