This falls under the crazy left.

  • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
    215 months ago

    The American right (unique among ideologies), denies the existence of climate change altogether.

    So it’s hilarious to point to one crazy “on the left” instead of the army of credulous cretins who believe something much more harmful because Daddy Oil told them not to worry.

    • @Gigan
      -25 months ago

      Why is the top comment a lazy whataboutism?

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -175 months ago

      That isn’t true at all. While more people point it on the right, it’s not denied by the majority.

      One crazy? All the lefty is crazy. As your post proves, you think everyone on the right denies climate change. I’ll challenge you to find one post where I’ve ever denied climate change.

      • @glimse
        135 months ago

        Remind me again which side the aisle has been fighting to address climate change for decades? While you’re at it, refresh my memory on which side has been fighting against doing anything about it for decades…?

        Btw nobody is defending anyone on The View. Both sides have (rightfully) been making fun of that show since it started

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -185 months ago

          Well since she thinks are earthquake was caused by climate change. Who is actually fighting for change ? Elon created the electric car market. Yet the left just shits on the man who made electric cars mainstream.

          The left doesn’t want change. They just want to scream about it. Otherwise they’d shut up and buy a Tesla like I did.

          • @glimse
            145 months ago

            Oh damn I forgot Sunny Hosting is the spokesperson for the entire left. You got me there!

            You’re really, really bad at extrapolating and pattern recognition. Congrats on owning a car with the highest failure rates on the market, though! You must be having fun driving it through the hyperloop tunnel

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -155 months ago

              I never said she was the spokesman. She just a typical example from the left.

              Umm wow that last paragraph is weird as shit. I’ve never had any major issues with my car. Some paint issues but nothing mechanical

              There are not hyperloop tunnels. Elon didn’t build the hyperloop. Are you thinking about the boring tunnels?

      • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
        115 months ago

        Ah, this must be why you spend so much energy telling conservatives that climate change is a real threat instead of pointing to one person “on the left” who says something cringe.

        Because the real threat is the kook who thinks we should be protecting the one planet that we have for the wrong reason.

        Thanks for showing me the error of my ways, hon. What would we do without conservatives deflecting from actual issues by pointing to a single uninformed person and pretending that they’re just as bad as a coordinated campaign to enrich oil companies at the expense of biodiversity, drinkable water, and a stable climate?

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -165 months ago

          I talk about it all the time. Just because you want to build a straw man doesn’t mean you have a clue.

          • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
            115 months ago

            Cool story! Maybe tell the guy you’re going to vote for in November that climate change isn’t a Chinese hoax.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -195 months ago

              Or maybe I’ll just continue to laugh a stupid lefties. I find that more entertaining. He response was epic stupid and yet; you want to defend her. Her comment was chuckle worthy.

              • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
                135 months ago

                Yes I definitely defended her by calling her a kook.

                That’s a very smart thing that you just said.

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -175 months ago

                  You claim it’s one person. The majority of lefties are kooky. It’s provides hours of chuckles

  • @[email protected]
    -25 months ago

    Sunny’s family owned slaves and has never adressed it.

    I put zero blame on her for it, but don’t be talking stupid identitarian politics and not acknowledge personal background.

      • @[email protected]
        -45 months ago

        On the show that does celebrities’ ancestory, Sunny found out her family owned slaves and Sunny was shown the evidence her family was in the slave trade.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -105 months ago

          Someone found a cite and linked to it. I found it interesting she didn’t know she had Spanish ties. To me, that is common sense if she has ties to PR.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -105 months ago

          Thank you. I had never heard that before and my google didn’t find it.