Look, I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you want running the country; if you’re still posting grainy screengrabs of a cell phone bootleg of a movie that has been out on 4k Blu-Ray for damn near six years… You don’t get to make cracks about who can and cannot “meme.”
And you damn sure don’t get to do it in red text in a mint green bubble, christ almighty.
Jesus, has it been almost six years already?
Also changed font between 2nd and 3rd.
Ikr? My first thought was “why’d they leave Christmas out in the sun for a year?”
cell phone bootleg
NGL, I’m a bit impressed/troubled by the fact that you’re either making fun of the image or you know it for a fact that it is a cell phone bootleg.
Either way… impressed/troubled is a weird combination.
I’ve just seen a lot of crappy cellphone bootlegs, and crappy Infinity War bootlegs specifically. Big movie comes out, everyone’s scrambling to get their cracks in, you end up with a lot of memes made out of pictures of theater screens. See enough and you start to pick up on the patterns, then the HD stuff starts coming out and you really notice the difference. Cropping’s off, color grading and exposure are wrong, picture’s a little smudgy 'cause the guy can’t hold the phone still… Compare it to the actual scene, it’s a little tilted and it’s got that sorta washed-out bright blue cast you get when you try to take a picture of another screen.
I mean for a lot of time when I pirated movies I basically had the same quality .Now I have joined a private tracker and have decent quality
Localized versions not english
3 panels to do the same job as the name of this community. Ugh I wish stupid hurt.