About freaking time. It’s been almost 13 years since this started (the US seeking Assange’s arrest) and it’s time to stop chasing the whistleblower already.
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They are not trying to make us informed global citizens. He was.
- WikiLeaks rejected documents on Russia during 2016 election
- In Leaked Chats, WikiLeaks Discusses Preference for GOP Over Clinton, Russia, Trolling, and Feminists They Don’t Like
- The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks
- The WikiLeaks-Russia connection started way before the 2016 election
You’re comparing one random guy to a letter agency and wondering why one is allowed secrets at the other isn’t? Are you a child? And he’s not a hero, or a journalist. You’ll never be able to convince me that someone who sides with, helps, and takes money from Putin is a good guy
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You do realise he was kicked out of the embassy in paet cos wikileaks published secrets of the nation that was protecting him. He has spoken at length about the need to maintains neutrality and release everything from all nations.
And you my friend are a brainwashed idiot.
Why didn’t he release the RNC emails?
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Wasn’t Assange part of the whole releasing dnc emails but not rnc?
Yes, because he was taking money and orders from Putin
i agree with you but i hate this trend of ‘everyone i disagree with is a bot’. real possibility this person isnt aware of context behind it or something.
e: i also disagree with straight up deleting their comments. let people know why they were downvoted and why whatever they were saying wasnt liked here.
Fair point. I reacted angrily to what i perceived as an offensive comment that offered no real argument or proof to sustain a position… it just got to me. This is actually my first comment on here, LOL. Point taken!
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Beep Boop. Anyone who disagrees with me and states the facts I don’t like is a bot. Meep morp.
Lol that’s what news companies do, are you going to prosecute them all?
When they start releasing classified information yes
Classified info is what whistleblowers release, so the rest of us aren’t blind all the fucking time.
i doubt that
Honestly, I think it’s in Biden’s interest to remain as ambivalent as possible on the matter, at least until after the election… he scores no point either way by being decisive now. He’d reveal himself to be too soft on crime, for some, or against freedom of information, for others. Or something along those lines. So, yeah… X to doubt for me as well…