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It would be funny if this backfired, given that public education rarely even mentions communism. Bringing it to light, even in a negative and factually incorrect way could cause students to actually do some research and educate themselves.
The DARE Effect, I think we should call that.
It would be such a shame if kids ended-up discovering orgs and info like this - https://y.dsausa.org/ .
That’s literally what has been happening in American public schools already for almost a century now.
… and fascism, right?
Okay DeSantis, what about making it a requirement to learn about the history and dangers of facism too?
Maybe we can discuss under exactly what banner slavery and segregation were pursued under, and whether criminals really deserve that much credit for someone else forcing them to stop criming.
monkey finger curls Florida strats teaching about the US Gov declaring antifa a domestic terrorist organization.
Mostly, capitalists will go out of their way to bomb you and install puppet regimes?
“and here we see one of the dangers of being communist”
“Teacher, isn’t that the CIA logo?”
“Gold star for you Timmy!”
Who wants to be this school instruction will not differentiate between communism and socialism and will also say that it necessarily means dictatorship?
They certainly won’t say, “Running a communist country is the fastest way to get assassinated by the freedom police”
Well, maybe they will. That sounds pretty dangerous, after all.
Don’t they already do that via PragerU videos?
Can PragerU even legally call itself a university?
Alabama and Mississippi have a hell of a lead on you for bad education, but I admire your commitment, Florida.
Yes, also lots of mandatory talking about Jesus.
For fucks sake.
It’ll work as well as DARE. Sew your own demise, idiots!
Sew your own demise, idiots!
And sow your own clothes, morons!
Do you want communists? Because that’s how you get communists. Check out how well D.A.R.E. did…
Well, knowing Florida, the “communists” will be people who think the government should do things besides arrest black people and stone women.
Maybe this is for the best, then