    21 year ago

    A little bit of side context around PA-Israeli collaborationism for anyone just rolling through:

    "Popular discontent with the PA, which cooperates with Israel on security, has been simmering in Jenin. Crowds last week heckled several visiting top officials of Abbas’s Fatah party, including deputy chairman Mahmoud Aloul.

    On Wednesday, Abbas expressed determination to back Jenin’s reconstruction and security, describing the camp as an “icon of steadfastness and struggle”, in a short address to cheering supporters.

    “We have come to say that we are one authority, one state, one law,” Abbas said, warning against anyone who “tampers with the unity and security of our people”.

    Abbas used his speech to issue a veiled threat at armed groups “undermining” Palestinian security.

    “There will be one authority and one security force. Anyone who seeks to undermine its unity and security will face the consequences. Any hand that reaches out to harm the people and their stability shall be cut off,” he said."

    From another story posted: https://www.newarab.com/news/abbas-vows-rebuild-jenin-camp-after-deadly-israeli-raid