Hullo oot there! Whit a week fer me, anybidy ony plans?
I’ll be drinking like an SNP treasurer tonight.
How’s the head this morning then? Going for a 2 day bender?
Makin chili the noo, beer poured, nerds assemblin at mine the nicht fer Magic: The Gathering. Jist as weil, kids aww day the moro as the wife is helpin wi the Polwarth nearly new kids sale
Sounds lovely! Enjoy x
Weathers to be nice here this weekend so be in the garden a bit!
What you growing this year?
The wild flower patch has had a few additions, so hoping for ox eye daisies and some teasels! We bought a couple of native cowslips for the beds, usual foxgloves, rudbeckia, echinachea, calendula, sweet peas, honesuckle, buddleia, hydrangea. Had to redo my wee herb garden because the slate planter it was in got wrecked with the frost!! The starlings are nipping at the seedlings so i’ve bought these daft windmills to try to put them off. Food wise, theres tomato seeds on the go, rhubarb that i think needs another year and the apple trees we might get one or two from!! This sounds like we have a big garden but we really don’t! Just little bits of stuff here and there!
Apple trees are fab. I’ve a mature that gets hardly any licht at ma dad’s, pruned it back in hope of some more from it. Year two, lets see. Might have to get a climbers harness and saw
Ours were planted a couple of years ago and one us a poor sowel!! It looks rubbish. We don’t leave apples on it because it needs the energy to grow a bit first!!