I propose to join forces and fill a list of useful (online) resources. I start.
Courses (free, online)
- CW Academy https://cwops.org/cw-academy/
- CW Innovation https://cwinnovations.net/
Websites to learn and practice
- Learning CW online https://lcwo.net/
- Morse Code World https://morsecode.world/
- VBAND https://hamradio.solutions/vband/
- Vail https://vail.woozle.org/
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Trying my best to learn. Built a morserino and I’ve been practicing with that. Just got to put the time in daily 😅
Just started learning today. Started with lcwo.net but it felt like I was struggling more with typing correctly than hearing the letters. So I’m trying Morse Code Ninjas podcast at 25wpm now.