So, I recently attempted to use this cheap little bluetooth keyboard/trackpad combo that I have in conjunction with Liftoff and encountered an issue rendering it essentially unusable. Unfortunately, I don’t have any other BT input devices to test with to check if it’s just some sort of wonkiness between this particular one and Liftoff, but I did try it with another device and other apps on the same phone without issue, so I’m reasonably sure it’s not a hardware problem at least.

At any rate, the issue I’m seeing manifests when you have a textbox selected in Liftoff and attempt to input text via a bluetooth keyboard - Every keystroke appears to try to close the on-screen keyboard, which the Liftoff app apparently isn’t cool at all with, as it immediately tries to reopen it again. This causes the screen to bounce up and down like crazy, which could still be workable (assuming a sufficient level of confidence in your typistry) if it didn’t also cause things to bog down and lose the odd character here and there, as well.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Or perhaps have a fix even? Cuz I’ve kinda reached the bounds of my troubleshooting expertise as far as bluetooth and bluetooth accessories are concerned and I’m out of ideas.

  • TacoRaptor
    32 years ago

    I’m typing this with a fosmon bluetooth keyboard/trackpad on my Galaxy S22+ without any issues. Could be the keyboard or device you’re using it on? Either way hope ya find a fix ✌️

    • TacoRaptor
      12 years ago

      I also found this in my settings. Maybe it could help?

      • alaphicOP
        12 years ago

        What is that option under? I swear I’ve seen something similar before, because I actually went looking for it initially, but the only place I could think of that I would find it was the bluetooth settings page for the keyboard itself, and all I have there is this:

        • TacoRaptor
          22 years ago

          For me it’s in General management, Physical keyboard ✌️

    • alaphicOP
      12 years ago

      See, I was wondering that myself, as my bluetooth keyboard is just some cheap little no-name hunk of junk I got from Amazon… But when I tried it (in several programs) on my laptop I didn’t have any issues, and even in a few different apps on the same phone I wasn’t able to reproduce it either. What version of Android are you using? I’m actually on an A21, so it stands to reason to me that if it works for you then I should be able to get it working as well… Right? Lol

      • TacoRaptor
        22 years ago

        I’d definitely think so lol I’m running the latest update that I’m able to, Android 13 on OneUI 5.1. I wouldn’t think that would matter but with tech I guess ya never know anymore haha.