The message should be for the US to stop sending money to Israel. Israel isn’t going to stop this shit in the name of “peace”. The best any US citizen can do is constantly berate the US for sending money to Israel. Biden needs to know he’ll lose to the orange man in November if he doesn’t take note. When you protest you need a clear demand, and the US could definitely stop sending money to Israel.

  • Admiral Patrick
    82 months ago

    “Don’t do the thing we don’t like or we’ll help someone get elected who will do worse bad things we don’t like (and doesn’t care if we protest).”

    Yeah, solid plan.

    • @3volverOP
      22 months ago

      I hate this two party system and plurality voting as well, I’m not the one who decided it.

      • Admiral Patrick
        32 months ago

        Didn’t say I liked it, but it’s what we got. Holding the country hostage by refusing to vote for the clearly better candidate is not going to make things any better and has every chance of making things much, much worse.

        • @3volverOP
          12 months ago

          I agree Biden is the clearly better candidate, I just don’t have faith that the average person will vote if discontent continues to rise. I’m not the one who’s out protesting, but the US needs to stop sending money to Israel.

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          If the two major options at voting time are both going to do an evil. The only message you can effectively send is voting out the one actively doing the evil.

          I’m not going to vote the orange guy in, but I’m going to vote the genocide supporter out.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Winner takes all, first pass the post are the bad voting systems.

        Plurality voting, instant runoff, ranked choice, are the solutions

        • @3volverOP
          12 months ago

          I’m not sure you meant to include plurality voting, that’s what we have right now. Ranked choice I agree with. STAR voting is the best though. I’d vote yes to use either though.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Stopping funding to Israel is important, but the university protests specifically are aimed at getting their universities to divest from Israel, to stop taking funding from Israel.

    We have a major problem in the US in that Israel has massive influence in our politics and government due to how much money they dump on our politicians and academic institutions.

    There’s obviously nothing stopping students from demanding both, and the two ideas have overlap, but the Uncommitted vote in the primaries is more how you communicate with the Biden admin directly. Actually going and casting a vote shows them concretely that you’re someone who will vote.

    • @3volverOP
      42 months ago

      Yes that’s good messaging too. Divest from Israel is good as well, it’s about the money, and they should demand both as both are clear demands.

  • externelly
    -72 months ago

    Israel is under constant attack by terrorist organizations and states whose official goal is the destruction of Israel. One of these terrorist organizations has over a 100 Israeli hostages. It’s not about “peace”, it’s about “existence”. The message should be about finding a long lasting way to co-exist in peace and good faith

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Do you know why Hamas attacked when it did?

      Because Israel and Saudi Arabia were preparing to normalize relations through the Abraham Accords, which would’ve meant the last leg of support of Palestine would’ve been swept away. This was the only way that Hamas could interrupt regional consensus that would’ve ensured the end of Palestinians.

      Israel is not under threat from its neighbors and has not been for decades. Even Iran, who Israel strikes with impunity, has shown remarkable restraint in their response to provocation. The only group looking to start a regional conflict with Israel is the far-right Israeli government that needs war and violence to continue justifying their genocidal colonial project in Palestine.

      The narrative about Israel fighting for its existence has run its course, most Arab nations have accepted that Israel is here to stay.

      • externelly
        12 months ago

        I agree with the point that most Arab nations have accepted that Israel is here to stay. That said, as long as Israel is consistently attacked by terrorist organizations along multiple borders, not to mention the hostages, means that the fear for its existence has yet to run its course. I hope to never hear of the far-right Israeli government again, nothing more to add here. I believe the Palestinians are more likely to achieve their statehood if they also normalize their relations with Israel, accept Israel’s existence, denounce Hamas and other terrorist organizations, and give up on the idea of a right of return (I understand this last point is highly controversial). I don’t agree that there’s a genocidal colonial project in Palestine and I still think that a peaceful co-existence is possible. Both sides must negotiate in good faith and accept concession.

    • @FMT99
      22 months ago

      But only one of these two has the capability to and is actively working towards wiping the other off the map. I’d say any lasting peace would have to start there.

      • externelly
        12 months ago

        I agree, lasting peace would has to start with not wanting to wipe the other side off the map. Hopefully one day we will agree that it is the Palestinians that must accept the existence of Israel. Hamas’ ideology is simple: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”.