• @masquenox
    16614 days ago

    Strange how they never managed this back when all the neo-nazis was marching for Trump back in 2016…

    This is pretty much the only thing “peaceful protest” will ever get you.

  • @[email protected]
    10614 days ago

    But right wing protestors chanting “Jews will not replace us!”? That, apparently, is fine.

    • Patapon Enjoyer
      14 days ago

      To be fair, those protestors are in that picture too, they’re the ones wearing armor

    • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
      14 days ago

      But that’s not antisemitism. They’re clearly stating that Jews are not going to replace them, acknowledging that they aren’t to be feared. Like if you told someone immigrants aren’t going to take their job. /s

    • @Fredselfish
      1214 days ago

      According to my boss yes because they got a permit. I try argue we shouldn’t allow nazi to get fucking permit to protest he disagrees. It’s fucking serial.

      • @bitwaba
        514 days ago

        It’s fucking serial cereal


  • jwiggler
    7914 days ago

    The US is more concerned about antisemitism on college campuses than being complicit in the 670,000+ individuals starving in Gaza.

    • @ChicoSuave
      3814 days ago

      By US I assume you mean the media, powerful business leaders and politicians behind the scenes that are making the decision to release police on what is clearly a peaceful protest. Because as a person who is American and against what is happening to Palestinians right now, this is not condoned by many folks over here. It is the 1% with the loudest voices that are making this a persistent problem for protests.

      Look up who runs the police for the city shown and make the local politicians scared of public backlash. They do this because no one knows who they are and so they will not be held responsible.

      Accountability wilts fascism.

      • @[email protected]
        1014 days ago

        I can add my voice to this. The very topic we’re all commenting on here supports this. The are protests and millions of dissenting voices to the disgusting atrocities taking place against the Palestinian people.

        This isn’t new, either. Countless Americans have opposed Israel for many, many years. They’ve been openly killing civilians for a very long time now.

        It needs to stop, but the United States government is in an open state of distress right now. We’re fighting over here to keep an actual tyrant from gaining power, and unilaterally destabilizing the entire world. Trump has threatened to pull us out of NATO, abandon support for Ukraine, and send even more aid to Israel. He’s also a big reason Iran as a country is pissed off, since he pulled us out of the Iran Nuclear deal.

        There are layers of bullshit and politics to navigate, and without money and agency most of us are struggling just to pay our rent, and buy groceries.

        Meanwhile, we get people all the time conflating the US government with the US people. They are not the same thing. We are in many ways captives of our society. Those not from the US: look into what happens when we come down with a severe illness. Spoiler: we can easily lose fucking everything.

        Things aren’t good, everyone. Things aren’t good. We can fix them, but holy shit is it not a good time for the world.

        • @PugJesus
          814 days ago

          This isn’t new, either. Countless Americans have opposed Israel for many, many years.

          Unfortunately, a very countable amount. The number of Americans who have been more than vaguely aware of Israel’s existence was dominated by Doomsday-craving fundies until very recently, not foreign policy nerds. This is probably the first time in my lifetime that public opinion has turned anti-Israel in any appreciable amount.

          What’s that Churchill said? Americans will always do the right thing, after having tried everything else?

          God, let this year be the turning point. Let it be the last, shameful time we’ve been complicit in Israel’s crimes. We have enough of our own to deal with.

        • @[email protected]
          314 days ago

          I hate it when people say “America did this” or “Russia is doing that” or “China” or any country. I doubt the average Russian or Chinese citizen has any more influence over what their governments do than we do in the US… I wish people would start naming names and perhaps even labeling them with their major sponsors/donors. Like “today president Biden, with more than $3m in donations from defense contractors, signs another $90b over to Israel for ‘military aid’”

          • @[email protected]
            313 days ago

            But the US government is voted by the US people in overall democratic elections. The people in Russia and China do not get this freedom and responsibility.

            • @[email protected]
              213 days ago

              Gerrymandering, etc. Republicans keep losing the majority vote and still winning elections because they won a larger number of districts (because they control the drawing of districts in too many places). Plus voter suppression. And then they block all reform.

              • @[email protected]
                013 days ago

                I think we can both agree that the level of meddling by gerrymandering or other measures is still a much much lower level of obstructions compared to Russia and China. And why are the democrats not fighting against these obstructive measures?

      • @[email protected]
        313 days ago

        And yet you see comment after comment after comment and post after post after post here, telling you that opposing Bidens and the Democrats involvement with the genocide and violent supression of protests, would be shilling for Trump.

        From an external perspective most of the US are either in support or indifferent to murdering women and children, torturing and abusing people, as long as it is not them.

  • @[email protected]
    14 days ago

    I remember after a student at my college was run over and killed by an Israeli bulldozer for protesting on behalf of Palestinians the zionist backlash on campus for talking about it was immense and even got the school newspaper shut down for a while for, you guessed it: antisemitism.

    *edit: I should add this was nearly 20 years ago.

  • @[email protected]
    5914 days ago

    And yet when an Israeli student threatened to “krav maga” me “into next week” for simply pointing out I was Palestinian while she was on some rant about how palestinians are all terrorists, that’s just free speech and we need to think about a slippery slope into tyranny if we do anything about it less permissive than asking nicely for an apology.

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      that’s just free speech and we need to think about a slippery slope into tyranny if we do anything about it less permissive than asking nicely for an apology.

      That’s terrible. Was it said by the same authority that did this?

  • @TankovayaDiviziya
    2313 days ago

    Hasbara is on overtime with their sophisticated and useful job of calling everyone anti-Semite for calling out genocide on Palestinians!

  • @Sam_Bass
    313 days ago

    Looks more like semi-anti-ism

  • MxM111
    -5614 days ago

    If you think that that what “antisemitism” complains are about, then you are clearly in some kind of distorted reality.

    • @yeahiknow3
      14 days ago

      I haven’t seen antisemitic comments anywhere, but maybe they just get deleted.

      Unless you think being anti-Israel is antisemitic? But if that were so, being anti-Russia would be anti-christian and being anti-Saudi would be Islamophobic, etc. I don’t think so. Some nation states are horrible and the only logical response is to be “against them” in their current configuration. (For example, since only 8% of the world’s countries are full democracies, you can assume I’m against the others.) If Saudi or Israel changed their ways, then I would be “for them” whatever that means. Keep in mind, countries are made up nonsense anyway, so we can only criticize their organization and administration.

      Lastly, religion is a hideous evil. Perhaps this accurate observation itself is considered somehow antisemitic. Not sure.

      • @[email protected]
        814 days ago

        Interestingly enough, the Palestinian people are actually a semitic race. So I’d argue the most antisemitic people on earth are the Israelis.

        • @Gabu
          813 days ago

          No arguing there, Israel is a Nazi State wearing a Jewish cap.

      • MxM111
        -3514 days ago

        I don’t think we are talking about lemmy or kbin. It is about universities and resent protests and crackdown on those protests.

        • @[email protected]
          3614 days ago

          Please share amy evidence you have of actual anti-Semitism. But it has LONG been a play of the Israeli government to claim that anti criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism, which is absolutely ridiculous.

        • prole
          14 days ago

          Then why did all those faculty at Columbia walk out in solidarity? They all support violence in their schools? It’s almost as if we’re being fed bullshit and lies.

          • MxM111
            -1514 days ago

            How percentage of faculty who protested removal of the tents by police has any relationship or relevance to antisemitism on the same campus?

            • @[email protected]
              13 days ago

              You further antisemtic propaganda. Jewish students are an integral part to the protests. Jewish faculty supports the protests. You claim them to be antisemitic and support the police beating up and arresting peaceful Jewish students.

              You support violence against Jews, because they don’t share your political ideology.

                • prole
                  012 days ago

                  Yeah totally. And your comment (quoted here verbatim) totally makes sense:

                  How percentage of faculty who protested removal of the tents by police has any relationship or relevance to antisemitism on the same campus?

                  This is how your comment reads:

                  Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?

    • @Maggoty
      3114 days ago

      It’s exactly what it’s about. Criticism of Israel is included in the official definition of Anti-Semitism in many countries and organizations.

        • @Maggoty
          113 days ago

          You don’t but the big news outlet and governments live by them. If their booklet says X is antisemitism then they’re going to respond as if it is. Regardless of reality.

      • MxM111
        -1314 days ago

        Of course, and rightly so. But calls like “from the river to the sea” are not criticism of Israel, but a call for genocide. That’s as antisemitic as it can get. Violation of safety of Jewish student (not Israeli, but Americans with Jewish religion) also has zero relationship with Israeli criticism and 100% relationship with antisemitism.

        • @Aceticon
          14 days ago

          So you’re saying that Netanyahu’s son is “calling for genocide” and “as antisemite as it can get”, given that he used those exact words in a post back in December.

          In fact the White House spokesperson was confronted with this back then in a Press Conference because the White House was using exactly the same propaganda technique as you of claiming calls for freedom in Palestine were “antisemitism”.

        • @[email protected]
          1413 days ago

          Thank you for confirming that the Zionists are genocidal fascists. Because they invented this term and they mean it in the way of annihilating the Palestinian people, to fulfill they Lebensraum fascist dream.

          But how do the Palestinians use it? “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. They demand an end to their opression and occupation by the fascists.

          • @[email protected]
            112 days ago

            The Israeli version is

            “Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.”

        • Cethin
          1214 days ago

          Yeah, I haven’t heard these students say that. Have you? Stop making up bullshit.

          I have heard officials in Israel use almost that exact wording though…

    • @Passerby6497
      1714 days ago

      Yeah, the “antisemitism” complains are because of antizionism, and stupid people regularly conflate antizionism (criticism of Israel) with antisemitism (attacking jewish people or judaism.

      Speaking of stupid people, Israel and the right are going hard to the paint to make this very same conflation.