Another meme from Reddit saved to my phone

  • @exbot
    151 year ago

    Love his smug face lol

    • @peril33
      61 year ago

      The hobbit: The desolation of smug

  • wanderingmagus
    61 year ago

    They really be like this tho.

    On that note, was there such a method of tithe evasion back in the feudal era?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Modern capitalism as we know it began forming in the Renaissance, particularly in colonial European powers who were getting to the Colonization of the rest of the world game earlier than their peers. This notably includes Portugal and the Netherlands, followed swiftly by most everyone else.

      There were promissory notes that were carried by travelers prior to this, in the form of Crusaders traveling from Europe to Jerusalem, in the relatively brief period of time that it was conquered. But this did not interact with market economies as we’d know it, and is directly analogous to traveler cheques, meant to make you less of an appealing robbery target on the road.

      No, these kinds of shenanigans were concocted rather recently, and are not reflective of baseline normal human behavior. It’s mostly a system that was created by accident, with conventions that were forming being purposeful altered during creation by the people with money, for their own benefit.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I read an article the other day that calculated Smaug’s net worth as $62 billion (although it is ten years old now). So technically, Smaug is sitting on 1.5 Twitters.