• @GardenVarietyAnxiety
    911 month ago

    My partner and I ran into one of my (adult) nephews friends at the store back in in the early days of the pandemic. We were talking about trying to get the vaccine, and he replied “I choose not to live my life in fear.”

    Oh? It seems like you’re pretty afraid of the “jab” to me.

    These people are oblivious to how stupid they sound…

    • magnetosphere
      301 month ago

      Viruses don’t care what you choose, and you’re also making that choice for others (although a lot of antivaxxers don’t have a problem telling others what they can and can’t do with their bodies. They only care when someone tries to apply rules to them.)

      I utterly despise their smug arrogance and complete disregard for public health.

    • @edgemaster72
      1 month ago

      I choose not to live my life in fear.

      Because of course the only options are crippling fear or reckless disregard for the safety of yourself and others. It’s simply not possible to take precauations based on science and logical, rational thinking.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      171 month ago

      I wonder if he doesn’t wear seatbelts or look both ways when crossing the street for the same reason.

    • @Wrench
      141 month ago

      Those were my libertarian friends exact words too. Then he rattled off all these “studies” that showed the vaccine was dangerous, even claiming that in a couple years, health insurances would be charging vaccinated people more because of the higher risk.

      But sure, I live my life in fear. A former amateur boxing, sketchy Chinese mountain plank walking, great white cage diving, coward.

    • @dual_sport_dork
      101 month ago

      It’s like every day is Opposite Day! Imagine how much fun that must be for these bozos.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      91 month ago

      Herman Cain made the same choice, and yet viruses are remarkably persistent in infecting these people who don’t live in fear just the same. I wish COVID had made many more antivaxxers ill before it faded into the background.

  • @Alexstarfire
    651 month ago

    Shit, if we could spread vaccinations that way we wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

    • Flying Squid
      141 month ago

      And a new reason to force your kids to get a kiss from grandma!

  • @glimse
    501 month ago

    It’s stress, you idiot. Stress causes psoriasis flare ups. And you’re so damn obsessed with your fear of a vaccine it’s causing you stress.

    • @[email protected]
      121 month ago

      Oh no Honey, she’s convinced OTHER people are worried about their health. She’s got (God) on her side.

  • @kinsnik
    451 month ago

    “some people must enjoy worrying about their health” (as an insult) and “i drank from someone else’s water, i felt poisoned for day”

  • @whotookkarl
    301 month ago

    The world must seem like a scarier place for someone this stupid. Can’t understand primary or secondary research sources, everything looks like claims because of a lack of understanding of evidence, never learned how to critically evaluate conclusions from observations, etc.

    • @Mannimarco
      241 month ago

      They are protected because they live among normal people

      • @MrVilliam
        251 month ago

        Herd immunity protects them so well, they think what they’re protected from is irrelevant.

        On a completely unrelated note, measles came back to the US after being completely eradicated here for like 20+ years. Weird.

  • AmidFuror
    1 month ago

    The irony of mentioning shingles. You can get shingles if you had chickenpox. The best way to prevent shingles is to get the vaccine.

    Edit: it says singles. Downvoted my dumb self.

    • Nougat
      121 month ago

      It says “Singles.” They’re warning unmarried people who have sex to be wary of “secretions.”

      • AmidFuror
        81 month ago

        Oh. My. God.

        Thanks. I guess in the context I read what I wanted to read. How funny!

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      91 month ago

      Which my universal health care won’t pay for until I’m 60 for no discernable reason because under 60 people get shingles. I’ve had chicken pox as a child and I fear shingles.

      • @Fosheze
        61 month ago

        My 30 year old boss recently got shingles. It was the same issue with him. They wouldn’t vax him because “people that young don’t get shingles”.

        • @Buddahriffic
          91 month ago

          Problem is people are stupid, lazy, and/or corrupt in all fields, including the medical field. It’s a big part of the reason why anti-vax and anti-science movements exist: partially from that retracted study that initially claimed autism was caused by vaccines, partially from cases where the “expert” is following some obviously flawed dogma (like “people that young don’t get shingles”), partially from corrupt studies being exposed later on as fraudulent, like the tobacco industry “studies” that claimed smoking wasn’t dangerous.

          The part that sucks is that I don’t believe there’s a good solution to this because that set of flaws can hit either side of any argument.

          I also believe that it’s related to our ability to progress itself: humanity kinda brute forces beliefs and it sometimes works out for the better, when people like Galileo, da Vinci, Newton, or Einstein think everyone else is missing something or flat out wrong about some stuff and revolutionize our understanding of physics or what’s possible with machines. Sometimes it works out for the worse, like the anti-vax movement, flat earth, anti-Semitism, or believing that opposing oppression and genocide is anti-Semitism.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          41 month ago

          I’ve known four people younger than 60 to get it personally so that’s some horse pucky, of course. Why not just give it to people who had chicken pox?

    • @AtariDump
      11 month ago

      I just though you were channeling your inner Sean Connery.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      61 month ago

      She also talks later about how she’s getting on disability because of her eyesight. So how does she even know?

  • @Hackerman_uwu
    141 month ago

    Perhaps ironically: it sounds like this person needs a chicken pox vaccine.

  • @[email protected]
    131 month ago

    If you could be exposed to the vaccine second-hand it wouldn’t be such a big deal if you didn’t get the shot (it would just take longer). But that isn’t how it works.

  • Flying Squid
    111 month ago

    Dermatologists are clearly in on the vaccine scam.

  • @someguy3
    101 month ago

    They’ve categorized the vaccine as a STD and infectious disease.

  • flicker
    71 month ago

    This strikes me as a way desperate people who have little to offer a relationship are trying to make themselves seem more desirable.

    “Sure, I don’t take care of myself and I’m no fun to be around and I haven’t had a job since 1997, but those other people have secret contagious vaccine secretions. Do you really want to risk that?”

  • Cosmo
    71 month ago

    Yo anyone wanna shed on me?