Two people have been arrested for allegedly posting racist fliers at Black churches around Columbia.
These boners… I mean, I’d love to meet the dude who came back to the KKK HQ Doublewide and was like:
“Okay boss, I done gave out all them memership papers. We’ll have new recruits in no time. Yeet.”
“Great, Randy, where did you take them? The gun shop, VFW hall, and golf course?”
“Nope, I took ‘em to the churches.”
“Which churches, Randy?”
“The BLACK ones! Hahahahaha!”
“Jesus fucking CHRIST, Randy! Do you know how much those things cost to print? I mean fuck, Randy…”
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They’re not boners, they’re flaccid dongs.
Fought two wars over this shit. Do we really need to tolerate these people for any reason? Lock them up and throw away the key.
I’m shocked that there is actually a law against this in fascist Tennessee.
The Columbia Police Department said a 38-year-old man and a 17-year-old male were arrested around 4:30 p.m. Thursday and charged with Civil Rights intimidation. The charges were placed in coordination with the District Attorney’s Office, and the official statute is TCA 39-17-309.
I was trying to figure out how you get arrested for fliers, with free speech and what not. But these idiots stuck these plainly obvious threats (“dark history”, “be warned”) on Black churches. It’s nice when the criminals are this stupid.
They didn’t pay their membership dues.